On my 4 hour drive home yesterday I stopped at the 7 Eleven Heatherbrae NSW (near Newcastle) for fuel. This was the poster confronting me as I filled up.
[PickeringPost]: I appreciate the sentiment that we are indeed valuable as individuals and we certainly can all have meaningful relationships. Our number 2 policy is Integration not Separation. But this poster does not help.
The clothing this woman wears is divisive and oppressive. This Islamic garb is a statement on a number of levels.
It reinforces the Islamic notion that men are base animals who can’t control their primal sexual urges and women must cover up to protect themselves from such a threat.
It’s insulting to men! Most men in Australia are self controlled and decent human beings who don’t rape, assault, hurt or disrespect women.
There are dangerous men in all countries but on the whole women in this great country are safe to wear what they like and interact with men without being threatened. The photo here communicates oppression under Islam.  MORE

15 Comments on I KNOW YOU BELIEVE EVERYONE WAS BORN MUSLIM … I’m sorry, but I wasn’t

  1. Great, so she was born unique…..JUST LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE.

    God created everybody equally – God didn’t create everyone to ultimately be EQUAL TO EVERYBODY ELSE EVER CREATED.

    Some people ARE better than others because they strive to BE better. Get over it, Progressives. To legislate otherwise is EVIL.

    The fact that I am not a Muslim automatically makes be better than her. I might go so far to assert that even an atheist is better than a Muslim. Muslims are backward, oppressive, and have a history of inbreeding and rampant homosexuality. They are the brush-okies of the planet.

    Islam is evil and must be eradicated.

  2. “It reinforces the Islamic notion that men are base animals who can’t control their primal sexual urges…”

    I think it has become very obvious that MOSLEM men ARE “base animals who can’t control their sexual urges” according to their degenerate islime-ick upbringing.

  3. “Born Muslim”, huh?

    You slid out of your mother’s vajayjay, crawled directly to the nearest masallah, pointed its mihrab to the qibla, and instantly performed wudu and your first salah before they even had a chance to cut the cord.

    No one is born Muslim. Or Christian. Or Hindu, Buddhist, Mormon, Zoroastrian, Rastafarian or atheist. We’re just born naked and helpless.

  4. I don’t find her garb offensive, it is very similar to what eastern Christians wear. The key is that the face is not covered.
    Technically, she was born a Muslim, just as a person can be born a Jew.
    The offensive part is the implication that those who hold to the evil that is Islam should be allowed a place in civilized society.

  5. “Born Muslim”

    A subtle piece of Islamic dawa disguised as multi-culti crap. Muslims believe all people are born muslim. That’s why when a fool converts to islam, they say he “reverted”.

    The Prophet (PBUH) reported that Allah said, “I created my servants in the right religion but devils made them go astray”. The Prophet (PBUH) also said, “Each child is born in a state of “Fitrah”, then his parents make him a Jew, Christian or a Zoroastrian, the way an animal gives birth to a normal offspring. Have you noticed any that were born mutilated?” (Collected by Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim).

  6. This is part of the meme that “izlam” is a race.

    Born moslem.
    Born white.
    Born black.
    Born yellow.
    Born mexican.

    It’s an ignorant, hateful, racist crock of bullshit.
    We’re all born ‘human’ until we’re corrupted by the ideologies of our cultures and parents.

    izlamo delenda est …

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