I Love New York York York – IOTW Report

I Love New York York York

Dan Bongino: A New York Republican Assemblyman introduced a bill to divide the state into three autonomous segments as a way to distance the state from the liberal policies he claims are dragging down the rest of the region.

The Washington Times reports, “…Republican assemblyman [David DePietro] went out on a limb last month by introducing a bill that would divide New York into three autonomous regions, each controlled by its own governors and legislatures. He argues that what works for New York City is dragging the rest of the state into economic oblivion.”

“Western New York, where I’m from, has the most population loss with 18- to 35-year-olds. Our kids are leaving the state in droves, the most anywhere in the country,” said DiPietro. “There’s no jobs. And New York City controls this.”

According to DePietro, New York City Democrats maintain a stranglehold on the state since they hold a majority of the seats in both the State Assembly and the State Senate.

“New York City controls everything,” he said.  MORE HERE

8 Comments on I Love New York York York

  1. Will that mean 3 states, with 4 additional Senators. 52 stars on the flag?

    I couldn’t be bothered to read about somebody’s fantasy.
    I want the same thing for Virginia and Californians want the same for their state.

  2. Illinois has been talking about that kind of thing for 50 years.

    Too late now…the Corruption is permanent.

    The only successful succession in US History is My current Home

    in the Conch Republic…We seceded where others failed.

  3. I live in upstate NY and would be all for leaving NY City to its own demise. People are leaving in droves and Cuomo is just spreading their loss to the rest of us, in taxes Bind and foolish he is sinking the state in expensive tax ideas that fall on the rest of us. NY City follows him to the cliff of spend and tax more. His way ahead plan, is to stay on the same road and find more new taxes and fees to burden us with. His true believers keep voting for him.

  4. The NYC politicians have really zcrewed property owners with the fracking ban. NY sits on top of a lot of natural gas in the Utica shale formation. Slaves to the eco-nuts.

    I have met many in PA that get a nice royalty check every month.

  5. As a former NY Town Supervisor, I can tell you that it’s not going to happen. I tried working with western NY building a initiative and the inner cities (Rochester, Syracuse and buffalo) won’t let it happen.


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