‘I Never Said It. I Never Meant It’: Fredo Cuomo Walks Back His Commentary About Hating His CNN Gig – IOTW Report

‘I Never Said It. I Never Meant It’: Fredo Cuomo Walks Back His Commentary About Hating His CNN Gig


Daily Caller: CNN’s Chris Cuomo walked back comments about hating his job just one day after making them, saying that he “never said it” and “never meant it” Tuesday, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Cuomo trashed his job during a rant on his recorded Sirius XM radio show “Let’s Get After It” Monday. The CNN host said that his novel coronavirus diagnosis has caused him to rethink his life and that he doesn’t “like” what he does for work. The rant was first reported by the NY Post. more here

16 Comments on ‘I Never Said It. I Never Meant It’: Fredo Cuomo Walks Back His Commentary About Hating His CNN Gig

  1. My happy evening, I just finished watching game 1 of the 1988 World Series on ESPN where the LA Dodgers beat the Oakland A’s on Kirk Gibson’s massive 2 run home run 5-4 in the bottom of the 9th inning on Gibson’s walk off homerun off of Dennis Eckersley the A’s pitcher. Great game and nice to see Vin Scully and Joe Garagiola and Tommy Lasorda so excited when he hit that home run to beat the A’s. There might not be baseball right now but repeats of great games like this help me to stay sane and wish for baseball to start as soon as possible and for everything to get back to normal.

  2. I’ll be happy with a new normal. The old normal was getting rather worn out. I’m just happy right now to focus on other things than this whole Corona virus scare and panic fiasco. The democraps have overstepped big time and are overdue for a massive ass kicking. And our God is far stronger than all their legions of doom and gloom and maybe just maybe we will see another Great Awakening like we have before in times of crisis like we did before the American Revolution and the Civil War and other times of crisis in our history. I want to be an incurable optimist about this, we will prevail with God’s help and this too shall soon pass.

  3. @ geoff the aardvark – from your keyboard and to Gods ears.

    I agree with the latter part, BUT there is NO more normal, these bastards are constantly changing the goal posts.

    This ain’t our grandma’s or dads’ normal that is for sure. That said, we are indeed in for an Awakening or Reckoning.


    That’s what they say when Jim Acosta slaps the hand away from a reporter, Joe Biden extorts a foreign power, Planned Parenthood caught selling body parts to the highest bidder.

    We should know the routine by now…

  5. Pretty much the standard line for all CNN employees who all only produce fake hate opposition news. Reliable news – we never said it or if we did we didn’t mean it. How dare you hold us accountable with a montage of BS we spew over months or years.

  6. Lie & Deny. Standard Operating Procedure for a D-RAT!
    Reminds me of the time on The O’Reilly Factor when Barney Fwank slobbered out “I never said that”, “I never said that”, “I never said that”, while the video of him saying that was playing!!

  7. I met Kirk Gibson when he played for the Detroit Tigers. He came to our local VFW hall. My son had his baseball card and he had Gibson sign it. This was after the 1984 World series win. I told him thank you for that win. He was very nice in person. He drove up in a fancy sports car. All the kids were thrilled. A good memory. Thank you for reminding me of that!

  8. I watched a bit yesterday and immediately realized that someone must have tore a huge strip off his ass. (Big Bro)

    Upon reflection he obviously realized that being a Guido from NJ & NY in not a marketable skill without CNN giving him air time.

    Ezera Levant and Rebel News had a Doctor look at the x-rays of Freddo’s Lungs and said that he had no major issues as had many medical people who were commenting on line earlier.


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