I Protected Hillary Clinton In The Secret Service – Here’s Why Her ‘Fainting’ Video Really Scares Me – IOTW Report

I Protected Hillary Clinton In The Secret Service – Here’s Why Her ‘Fainting’ Video Really Scares Me

Her detail knew that there was something very wrong with her and they were prepared.

IJR: I protected First Lady Hillary Clinton, President Bill Clinton, and their family while I served in the Secret Service Uniform Division as an officer from 1991-2003.

By now, you have most likely seen the startling video of Hillary Clinton ‘fainting.’ Through the lens of my 29-year-career in The Service, I can see what a naked-eyed media pundit cannot: There is something seriously wrong with Mrs. Clinton.

Pneumonia or overheating are highly suspect excuses and I’ll explain why.

My analysis is not partisan. I cared for and protected the Clintons for many years. It was my duty to guard Mrs. Clinton in the Secret Service and I was so close to the First Family that the Supreme Court subpoenaed me to testify on the details of Bill Clinton’s late-term scandals.

These are the facts.

Watch Clinton’s Secret Service’s detail in the video. Their behavior is extremely professional and very telling. Each agent is to be commended.


At the beginning of the video, Hillary is with a protective detail of Secret Service agents, as well as two female staffers. One staffer stands very close at her back and another is shoulder-to-shoulder and arm-in-arm with Mrs. Clinton to give her balance and prop her up.

Mrs. Clinton leans against a “ballard,” the metal columns we use to stop incoming 5-ton vehicles, and “bicycle racks” (our nickname for the portable metal fences) to restrict pedestrian access to an area.Screen Shot 2016-09-12 at 4.00.33 PM

As the van pulls up, she has a rigid wavering posture. She awkwardly leans on the ballard and stares straight ahead with her neck craned and extended up as her body is supported at the side and rear by her staffers.

One agent gets the door, but no one moves to enter. The Secret Service doesn’t like to wait—standing still in the eyes of the Service is waiting for an attack to happen. But the staffer can’t move Mrs. Clinton.


h/t Tuesday.

15 Comments on I Protected Hillary Clinton In The Secret Service – Here’s Why Her ‘Fainting’ Video Really Scares Me

  1. (nit: that thing is a bollard, not a ballard.)

    OK, if the bald-headed agent crossing in front of the van door was “telling” just what did it tell?

    Maybe this piece was transcribed from voice, but it clearly wasn’t edited or even proofread. Too bad. This could have been an much more interesting opinion piece.

  2. Honestly, Tactically Bull shit. Load the bitch in the van and split. That just might save her life. And go to the EMERGENCY room that was .2 miles away instead of Chealse’s place 1.25 miles away. What happened to protocol? I’m wondering are the still carrying those little midget Glocks.

    Completely non partisan, but Hillary’s a bitch. I think this guys lonely.

  3. I agree. I’m sure Chelsea’s apartment was not on the “Go to”
    list in the event of an emergency. But some one on Hillary’s staff–maybe Hillary herself– demanded , screamed, threatened, whatever, and the Secret Service relented. That’s bad. But I have pity for those guys. Risking their lives for that POS.

  4. He let the cat out of the bag with this, “…shield both sight…” No shit, gotta keep them eyeballs off the situation. The fact that the agents were disbursed immediately prior to her collapsing and then formed a “shield” as she was heaved into the van tells me that they were familiar with her condition. They must have been especially frosty knowing she had been pulled from the ceremony and near another episode.

    Then he spews this beaut, “The agent is to be commended for maintaining her blank expression” OK, I guess her shrieking would have been a no-no but the fact that all of them, that I could see, “maintained” their blank expressions is an indication that they were fully up to speed on her ill health.

  5. @Bad_Brad:

    Yes, you’ll remember I was ranting all day Sunday about her going to an ER instead of her daughter’s apartment.

    I did a little bit of research on the protocol for such events. It’s to take the protectee to the nearest Level I trauma center. In Manhattan, that would be Bellevue, which is at the corner of First Avenue and East 26th Street, 5-1/2 blocks from Chelsea’s pad. So Beekman Downtown was not the place to go.

    Neither, apparently, was Bellevue. You see, Hillary has this weird condition where she can only be treated by docs who are in her pocket.

  6. Good article. It’s basically what I wrote yesterday.
    The Clinton’s used to make the SS serve as waiters for their receptions as well as the Marines. Just a little inside info.
    Brad what is the point of your link? SS Agents are dumb? WTF you sound like Czar today.

  7. I worked a presidential candidate protection detail once for Bush the Elder (1988). They told me to wear a suit, a gun and gave me a walkie. Now stand here and don’t let any one kill Bush as he drives by. Other than that, they didn’t tell me anything; but I guarded the ever loving shit out of George Bush for about two seconds as they drove by.

  8. Part 2 to FUTuck

    So, now you’re saying it was NOT a violation of protocol to NOT take the Hildebeast to the nearest appropriate medical facility and instead to Chelsea’s?!? Up yours, liar.

  9. “Brad what is the point of your link? SS Agents are dumb? WTF you sound like Czar today. ”

    You missed my point, and leave me out of this battle. You say your voting for Trump then I have no beef with you.

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