I respectfully disagree – IOTW Report

I respectfully disagree

Patriot Retort: I am on record endorsing Senator Ted Cruz for President. Among those remaining in the race, I believe he is the most conservative. Therefore, I have endorsed him.

But understand, my support for Ted Cruz is not a blind devotion. I am not a “Cruz Lover” or “Cruzbot.”

I am a Liberty Lover. I believe that the best way to restore our Republic and to return Individual Liberty and Sovereignty to the people is to rein in this over-bloated Leviathan and return to constitutional limited government.

And while I believe that Ted Cruz is the best chance we have to begin that long process, I don’t always agree with everything he says. And if I believe he is wrong, I’ll say so.  More

[Snip] Please be sure to read the entire article.

And I will add this: Regarding this particular organized protestor throw-down, in my own opinion, not one candidate should come off smelling like a rose. Not a single one. 
[And that includes the lefty candidates, and any comments dripping from Hillary’s and Bernie’s mouths.]

27 Comments on I respectfully disagree

  1. I like Cruz but he lost points with me and a lot of respect with his comment about Chicago. No matter what is at stake this is America, not Nazi Germany. Trump has every right to give a speech without the threats of rioting and violence

  2. I like Dianny’s site, but as of late it does seem she has a slight case of TDS and as far as not being in the tank for Cruz, I wouldn’t agree with that either. No mention of the shady ties he has nor the shady tactics he’s used more than once in this election…in her eyes he can do no wrong. She puts out some good stuff, but I just skip over the articles that have anything to do with Trump.

  3. I guess everyone missed it when Ted Cruz said this in the same breath.

    “Earlier today over thirty people were arrested at one rally, and then tonight as violence broke out the rally was cancelled altogether. Now the responsibility for that lies with protestors who took violence into their own hands . . . .”

  4. As I said over and over and over- everyone on the right has the right to back their own candidate during the primary.
    And I am giving the benefit of the doubt to anyone saying #NeverTrump for the general election that they will get their minds right if the time comes for choosing.

    I still link Moonbattery, for instance. No reason not to.

  5. It’s almost baseball season so I can’t help myself…For the Democrats… and up at bat are…Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton….on deck…Joey Biden, Elizabeth Warren, who knows what…and in the hole is all of us unless we vote against this quadruplate gathering of imbeciles, liars and thieves….

  6. Boom, you’re going to continue with that assholio point?
    You even have Woody mouthing it.
    I’m waiting for the 3rd Flunkyteer, JohnS, to pick up the ball.

    Trump didn’t “SIDE WITH THE MUSLIMS.”
    He said Pamela was unnecessarily putting people in harm’s way because she was taunting insane and dangerous people.
    NO ONE made the argument at the time that Trump was “siding with the Muslims.”
    The argument was that he wasn’t respecting Geller’s free speech.

    Cruz, on the other hand, did not say anything at all derogatory towards BLM, nothing like, “hey, you shouldn’t taunt those crazy nasty, dangerous people.”
    He implied Trump didn’t have the right to free speech, never condemning BLM.

    Far far different.
    I know you thought the argument was a good one because you’re repeating it over and over as if it is a gem. It’s not. It’s a fugazy.

    The other charge from NeverTrump clowns is that Trump is a racist and he hates Muslims across the board.
    Sounds like you dimwits have a case of cognitive dissonance.
    Does Trump side with the Muslims, or is he a racist that wants them all out of the country?

    Maybe get your story straight and come back with a lucid argument?

  7. BFH; You can keep waiting. Even though it relates to the current situation I understand that Trump has been born again recently as right thinking defender of the constitution and he has been absolved completely for his past.
    That is why I generally only discuss his past when someone else brings it up.
    Anyway, there is enough current stuff, like him admitting that he is not going to seal the border and that every other thing on the materials his handlers wrote for his website is up for negotiation.
    Also, even though it is tossed out for public consumption that Soros and Trump don’t like each other. If you follow the money it tells a far different story.
    My main issue with Trump is that almost every way the numbers are crunched, if he is our guy, Hillary is our president.

  8. BFH; You do realize, don’t you, that shortly before that the cover of Time magazine dealt with the “scientific consensus” of runaway global cooling that was driving us into another ice age?
    Also to make things similar, where was Trump against Hillary one year ago? Oops, he hadn’t even announced.
    That article was from the June a year before the election. The election was in 1980. Find something from March of the next year, if you want something that relates to the current situation.
    By the way, I was 24 then. I remember it all very well, especially as he used to be our governor.

  9. BB; get a grip. I said republicans liked him, and we did.
    If republicans liked Trump in anywhere near the numbers that they liked Reagan it would be a different story.
    The republicans have never, in their entire history ran a man as disliked by republicans as Trump is. Even McCain had more support among republican voters.

  10. I am a #NeverTrump guy. I am proud of that fact. I’m not a clown, a dumb ass, a nitwit. I never called Trump a racist or a misogynist. You complain that Dan J insulted you for saying Trump supporters are dumb, and you respond by calling people like me names that are just as bad. I am a #NeverTrump guy because he is not a conservative, never has been a conservative and never will be a conservative.

    I simultaneously agree with almost every thing Trump stands for while condemning most of what he says. That’s because Trump has at least 2 positions on every issue.

    Quite simply, I don’t trust Trump.

  11. John,
    You’re slowly approaching Woody territory. It’s a dense area.

    Ask and you shall receive.

    National polling March 1980-

    Reagan 33% Carter 58%

    SEPTEMBER OF 1980 –

    Reagan 39% Carter 39% Anderson 14%

    ~~~~~~~~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_polling_for_U.S._Presidential_elections#United_States_presidential_election.2C_1980

    OOOOOPS Aren’t ya glad you asked????

    You’re offering Time magazine’s skewed reporting as proof of what?
    That we should believe their polling now?

    You’d make a great prosecutor/defense lawyer, because you never know what evidence hurts or helps your agenda.

    Only an idiot would say they weren’t voting for someone 8 months in advance because the polling says they can’t win.

    Did you mean to say your age or your IQ was 24 back then?

    Yes, I am getting mean, because I am sick of idiots.

    You are free to support who you want to support, but don’t offer up idiocy for the reasons why, and then expect me to salute it.

  12. I am a #NeverTrump guy. I am proud of that fact. I’m not a clown, a dumb ass, a nitwit. >>>

    If you engage in activity that, knowingly or unknowingly, aids and abets the election of Hillary Clinton then you are all three of those things.

    You complain that Dan J insulted you >>

    Not me, everybody.
    Dan’s case for why he holds the opinion that people who support Trump are dumb is asinine. “Trump is a bad, bad man that “may not” do the things he claims he’s going to do. Therefore, let’s have Hillary.”

    This is clownish behavior by dumbass nitwits.

    for saying Trump supporters are dumb, and you respond by calling people like me names that are just as bad. I am a #NeverTrump guy because he is not a conservative, never has been a conservative and never will be a conservative.>>>>

    Even though his platform is right-wing, I’m sitting it out and giving the election to the KNOWN PROGRESSIVE hurrrrr deeeee duurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp.

    I simultaneously agree with almost every thing Trump stands for while condemning most of what he says. That’s because Trump has at least 2 positions on every issue.

    Buzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Wrong. Stupid meme exacerbated by jerks. Name the 2 positions on any Trump issue that is both right AND left?? You might be able to say they are right- more right- less right, but none of it is left. Oh, unless, of course, you go back 10 twenty years ago.

    Quite simply, I don’t trust Trump.>>>

    Quite simple-minded, especially when there is no speculation as to Hillary’s agenda.

    If you can sit there on election return night and watch Hillary take a victory lap, along with every parasitical freak in this nation, and think for a second “I did the right thing” I really don’t know what to say.
    It’s a stunning admission of mental illness.
    There is something else afoot, not simple “distrust” of Donald Trump.

  13. BFH; First Time mag, now Wankerpedia?
    Now, I never mentioned polls, so you set up a straw man, but I will knock it down for you.
    I guess you use Google and can only access left wing websites when doing searches.
    However, since you trust the Great and Glorious Wanker; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republican_Party_presidential_primaries,_1980
    That one uses the poll that counts.
    Don’t compare that to what is happening with Trump unless you have stomach pills on hand.

  14. I think the GOPe is supplying a lot of the fuel for the angry leftists.

    Maybe the rally attendees could just quietly pepper spray the leftist punch-dummies instead of beating them down on camera. If it were done discretely, like without even getting up, all the camera would show is the protesters gasping and rubbing their eyes. Might make them look like they just went insane. lol. Oh, wait, might help them to better display the insanity that leftists are already haunted with.

  15. Pamela Geller endorses Cruz but did not join the #NeverTrump crowd. In fact she has recently defended Trump.

    You have to ask yourself – Do you want to be right? or smart?

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