I saw my first double-masker yesterday – IOTW Report

I saw my first double-masker yesterday

Patriot Retort:

It took me three days to dig myself out from the Nor’easter that hit us last week; and yesterday, I was finally able to venture out to run some errands. Which was good because I ran out of V-8 Healthy Greens juice. And while at the grocery store checkout, I saw my very first double-masker.

Here in New York we are required to wear masks when we go to the store or the bank or whatever. For all I know we’re also supposed to be wearing them any time we’re out of our homes. But since I’m not an idiot, I only put one on when I go inside a business since they’ll toss me out if I don’t.

I’ve been using the same mask for four months. It’s the one the hospital gave me when I went to the ER in October.

Frankly I’m surprised I haven’t spotted a double-masker before now. Then again, I work from home, so other than a trip to the drug store or the grocery store, I rarely have reason to be out and about.


I discovered double-masker lady in the checkout line. And since I’m what’s known as a “checkout chatter,” I figured I’d said a friendly hello. read more

27 Comments on I saw my first double-masker yesterday

  1. I went running at the local park on Friday and noticed several double maskers were going for their “healthy” daily walk…wearing TWO fucking masks!
    I see so many idiots driving ALONE wearing a mask.
    So sad.
    Like Catturd said, “if the government said citizens should drink out of their toilets, half of them would.”
    So fucking sad we are ruled by assholes and many that are ruled deserve it.

  2. We need to convince the liberals that we’ve invented a suppository that will prevent WuFlu infections for a week. The thought of them putting one or two up their kiester every week would be hilarious

  3. Had a doctor’s appointment the other day and told the doc how proud I was to be wearing my Sheeple Badge. Said, “How effective do you think this thing is since I’ve been using this safe mask since last March?” To which he replied, “how effective do you think a new one is? Or two or three?” We both thought the scamdemic would end after the election. Both of us wrong.

  4. I went to put three bills on the Bucs at The Orleans hotel/casino thirty minutes before game time.
    I got +3 and felt confident.
    Some pit boss I walked by on my way to the sportsbook told me to pull up my mask.
    I ignored hime and he said it again.
    I didn’t pull up shit, placed my be and now I am richer for it.

    BTW, anyone that listens to my picks on iotw, if you bet with me, you win…

  5. Here in CA, you can weat 10 masks – it doesn’t matter, because biden is flooding the place with maskless illegals, and the street crazies all over the place are also maskless.

  6. Wearing two masks is as practical as wearing two bras and just as uncomfortable. Not spoken from experience! 😆

    I felt like such a rebel in Lowe’s today. Got too hot under my mask and took it off briefly. Looked around and half the people I saw had masks below their nose, chin and I saw one guy had it over his one ear. It’s a facade. We gotta play along though in WA state.

  7. No you don’t Illustr8r. You’re Superman. Listen to your theme song, then go engage the local citizenry. Like…start this jam, pull up in the fire lane BLASTING it. Open the car door, leave it open with the tune bumping so everyone in the damn store can hear it.

    Insert theme song below


    Yes….a shameless segue into yet another funk jam. But this one is relevant…and DOPE AS F…funk.

  8. Illustr8tr, the Smiths grocery requires it but I have been getting nauseous wearing it.
    I had it hanging from my ear the whole time because I didn’t want to barf.
    Nobody said anything.
    People looked at me but didn’t say shit.

    This shit has to end NOW!

  9. My problem is that the CDC recommends no facial hair (except maybe a hitlarian mustache ) why aren’t these mask maniacs requiring clean shaven.
    I also think a piece of saran wrap between the 2 masks would help improve average IQ level in the country

  10. I doubt I can influence the policy makers regarding masks. And the Kool Aid drinkers won’t be swayed either. But the people I really can’t stand are the ones that wear masks to just “go along”. They’re the ones that say “they’re just doing their job” while defending the Barney Fifes of the world. My job, my CAREER, is to make them as uncomfortable as possible. Pick a side people!

  11. MAF FEBRUARY 8, 2021 AT 6:23 AM

    I also think a piece of saran wrap between the 2 masks would help improve average IQ level in the country

    It’d funny cuz it’s true.

  12. Not getting any grief from any store I walk into in East Dallas these past two weeks. Yes, I have my neck gaiter on, but only around my neck and not up in “mask position”. Only one not wearing a mask at these times, so, ways to go still.

    Places include grocery stores, gas stations, Lowe’s, Home Depot, and the beer store. I’ll pull it up if a customer asks me to in their home, but not before then.

    Sometimes I forget to bring it when I leave the house. Hoping others do too.

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