I Saw Spittle – IOTW Report

I Saw Spittle

Soy Boy gets up in an old man’s personal space then gets taken out of his safe space.

28 Comments on I Saw Spittle

  1. I don’t understand what Soy Boy was so exercised about.
    But if he keeps pulling that on strangers, he might consider that one of his luckier encounters.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I can see soy boy not too long ago wearing a mask and squeal crying at someone getting that close.

    Now he’s a tough guy with spittle spew.
    He had that coming.

  3. Priceless! Funny how soy boys always pick on those they they know are much older or they think are weaker. Will watch a few more times to brighten a gloomy day.

  4. The soy boy is no kid. He is a man acting like a whiny child and the other man put him in his place. I hate when adults are called kids, as if they didn’tknow better.

  5. That was a joy to behold! The punk was fortunate the older guy just tapped him. He could have delivered combination punches to the punk’s stupid skull and he would have been picking up his teeth off the sidewalk.

  6. I had a punk say to me: Who the hell do you think you are telling me to not walk on your side of the street you fat fuck. My neighbor said: he’s the guy who knocked your brother TFO right there under my plumb tree. He goes around the block now instead of walking on the sidewalk in front of my house.

  7. The older guy showed how to quickly dispense with a soy-boy. First the right which stuns the punk. When the old guy got the punk down on the sidewalk it was 3 very quick but powerful punches to soy-boy’s face – quick like a piston – BAM BAM BAM. No time for the soy-boy to even react. He’s done.

    Hooray for us old boys.

  8. If I get into a situation like that, I’m going to pretend my right fist is as quick as a jack-hammer and pound the other guy as many times as possible before he can even react. Then I’d use my left on his kidney area and pound away. I’ll think of my fists as going right through the son-of-a-bitches’ head and mid-section and coming out the other side. A guy with a shorter stature can have an advantage on account of size…come up from below and hit your opponent hard in the throat. If he’s got a big Adam’s apple aim for it.


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