I submitted a piece for the Muhammad art contest – IOTW Report

I submitted a piece for the Muhammad art contest

You can see it here.

While you’re there, check out Pamela Geller’s new site banner.

3 guesses who did it.

30 Comments on I submitted a piece for the Muhammad art contest

  1. I see 4 non mu$lim$ in the pic. The dude just to the right of the prophat (piss be upon him) and the chick, Jesus(?) and a Hindu(?) all the way on the right side of the artwork. What do these 4 represent?

    I apologize for having to ask, but I am pretty ignorant on the details of most of our worlds religions.

  2. Dear Sir,
    I want to apologize for the bad thing that make you draw such an offensive picture. It is offensive to all Christians who hold the Last Supper sacred and near to our hearts. It anger some Christians who might not necessarily live up to Christian morals and values and who would be willing to burn things down and act out violence, but they are not violent it is you who are violent because you post hateful image. We respect all religion and non-religion, but you not respect Christianity. I asked for apology, so now you take down now so that so-called Christians not forced to act out in violence you create! That picture offend some people so that not your freedom of speach! Obamu Fagbar!
    Christian Rage-boy

  3. Seriously though Fur, I respect your God-given right to draw whatever you feel inspired to draw, and will defend it ’til my last breath… BUTT, I do think it’s offensive and a thoughtless insult to Christ and to Christians to depict the last supper full of Godless inbred goat-raping pedophile cult zombies. If the main objective is to create an image for the purpose of being offensive (to unreasonable rigid ideological Mohammedans) why would you create the image using something so sacred to the one religion that is reasonable and tolerant? To me the image appears to create the impression that you were trying to convey to Muslims, ” Hey Habib! You say don’t dare disrespect Moe by drawing him? Well Eff You! I’ll not only draw him, I’ll draw him as stinking Jesus! Take that!”

  4. I have no problem with Fur “mocking” Jesus. I have no problem with Fur “mocking” the Last Supper. I see it as an example of tolerance. I cannot speak for Fur, but the general lack of outrage this will evoke seems to be the point.

    Rock on Fur! Mock my God. He understands you.

  5. I think this is a test to see how many Christians threaten to kill you as compared to musloids.
    Personally, I am offended by your placing moHAMmud in Christ’s position at the table. But I will pray for your salvation, and not for your death.

  6. @Racist — Freedom of speech means no one and no thing is off limits.

    Are you saying the Islamists are wrong to be upset when “the prophet” is illustrated but you, as a Christian, upset with a depiction of Jesus that you find offensive is acceptable?

    Seems like a bit of a double standard.

    And @BFH — Pamela looks hot! Great banner!

  7. OK Menderman, I would love to see an auction too, but $200.00 isn’t going to win anything. If I was BFH I would open the bids at $500.00, and that would be for signed copies.

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