“I swallowed wrong”: Biden has coughing fit while selling Vaccine to kids – IOTW Report

“I swallowed wrong”: Biden has coughing fit while selling Vaccine to kids

Then, Biden blames ‘those conservative folks’ for losing.

You know who never swallows wrong?

16 Comments on “I swallowed wrong”: Biden has coughing fit while selling Vaccine to kids

  1. I have been calling Biden dotard for a couple weeks. Leftists loved calling Trump dotard, but they can’t stand me calling Biden dotard. It’s been kind of fun, so I’ll continue doing so.

  2. Constant dry coughing is a sign of congestive heart failure.

    One could hope the Pedo perishes but that would only give us the cackling Simple Jack whore and months of media martyrdom sympathy they would milk till the midterms.

    It would help the marxist immensely to distract from the current red smack down so the cabal may just bump off the old reprobate themselves before he shits his pants on national tv.

    They know he is more useful dead than alive anyway so look for that MAGA white supremist to strike any time now.

    Regardless something bug and emotional is going to be an October surprise. The cabal will not give up the destruction of this great and beautiful republic.

  3. You know who else has coughing fits because “sometimes” they just “swallow wrong”, Joe?

    People with Parkinsons. You should see a doctor about that.

    C’mon, Man. Im serious. Go see a doctor

  4. @Cisco

    How do you know that he hasn’t already shit his pants on TV? What about his Cornholio stance on CNN? Maybe he was dropping a deuce there. Its as good an explanation as anything else

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