I thought using sex to manipulate and control was wrong – IOTW Report

I thought using sex to manipulate and control was wrong

Patriot Retort:

A big shout-out to CNN for once again proving they are as much of a legitimate news outlet as the Wildly Inaccurate Dianny News Service.


Just the other day, CNN published an opinion piece with this headline:

What if women went on a sex strike before the midterms?

The author of this bit of tripe is one Wednesday Martin.

Wait. I think that’s the wrong picture.

Oh, who cares? When writing about CNN, I am allowed to be as accurate as they are.

This vindictive shrew believes that women have all the power in sex and should start wielding it.

No more “service sex” where women capitulate to their partner’s desire to get groiny.

Nope. Now women should withhold sex until they get their way. And not just in the bedroom. But in politics too.

Am I missing something new here?

Isn’t that how women have behaved for millennia?

This is about as earth-shattering as an opinion piece on how you discovered that sour cream and chives go great on baked potatoes.

Wednesday cites an ancient Greek comedy by Aristophanes to back up her argument.

18 Comments on I thought using sex to manipulate and control was wrong

  1. I am very happy that sex no longer rules my emotions. Of course it has been many years since I have been ruled by the “little head”, but just the same…..

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. OK Men. Time to fight fire with fire.

    I shall deny ugly leftist hags the pleasure of my masculine physical prowess and all of my treasured bodily fluids.

    There. That’ll teach you.

  3. It’s hard not to “sound” snarky about this. But, has anyone ever, and I do mean “ever”, met anyone who thought their “sex strike” would even be noticed, who thought their “sex strike” would even be noticed.

  4. You just know the women falling for this bilge are the kind of slobs who haven’t had sex in years and when they did it was with some hard up loser just out of prison who had to close his eyes and think of porn to bang her and then puked afterward.

  5. Hold out sex on me???
    I now hold out the bank account on you!!!
    Oh, and there is always a woman looking for a bank account…so I WON’T be going without.
    You however…there are NOT so many males looking for a bitch that doesn’t put out, without money….
    Just saying.

  6. They’d starve to death with us refusing to open jars for them long before we caved to lack of sex. Rosey Palm and her five sisters are always at the beck and call of my left hand…

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