I, Too, Love Pizza – IOTW Report

I, Too, Love Pizza


h/t Dognonymous.

16 Comments on I, Too, Love Pizza

  1. Ah yes,

    the old start the day with a smile routine!

    A welcome change of pace from all the outrage-news that we are usually fed no matter what website you read from nowadays.

    Thanks for the reminder that there are lighter moments to be cherished too.

  2. I surely wish that I could still eat cheese without “side effects”
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. My daughter made pizza the other night. Half of it was still on the countertop the next evening. I was about to toss it when I thought, dogs like pizza.

    I already had the lab’s full attention. Here you go!

    She didn’t know what to do with it. A whole slice of pizza, just for me?

  4. “They gobble the good stuff down so fast I wonder if they even taste it!”
    Very true, but I had a dog about 20 yrs ago that would smell any and all treats and then chew them slowly and savor every bite. He was the canine answer to a wine connoisseur. Funny dog. Miss him.

  5. My Sarah is old and her time is now short but years ago I introduced her to Pizza and she developed a Pizza Dance for when I’d open the door and she saw a driver with a pizza bag. she’d sit by my side at the door while the driver made his way up carrying the pie then, when I opened the door she’d get half up and start taping her front paws on the floor with tail banging back and forth and watching that bag like a hawk. When money was exchanged and the pizza came out she stand up and run around me once and dart into the kitchen and back to find out why I wasn’t running. Over the years she got to recognize a few of the drivers who would give her a ear tickle why I searched my wallet for the cash. So, yeps dogs do like pizza.

  6. F4U
    Mine too with after dinner Ham Hocks
    But Beef Bones were never allowed
    Sipped Wine but lapped Beer
    A Golden Photo will be presented some future sunny sunday. Dads Vise Grips Slab of Maple Rawhide
    Use Pic Code: Connoisseur Dreams

  7. Kitties are a little more discriminating. Except for my Zoe. She was a little wisp at 5 pounds, so I encouraged her to eat whatever she wanted. She loved chicken, so I would eat it on the couch and have a plate next to me. One bite for me, then rip off one bite for her. She also loved popsicles. She would lick them until I pulled it away to let her itty bitty tongue thaw, then back at it!


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