I Was Fake News before Fake News Was Cool – IOTW Report

I Was Fake News before Fake News Was Cool

Prominently featured was a story “by a retired anesthesiologist in Florida who never examined Hillary Clinton” that said “she has Parkinson’s Disease.” I am that anesthesiologist.

American Thinker: On March 26, CBS aired a “60 Minutes” story on “Fake News.” Within that story was a two minute plus segment with Mike Cernovich of www.DangerandPlay.com. Scott Pelley declared that Cernovich had published “stories with no basis in fact” that were “categorically false.” Prominently featured was a story “by a retired anesthesiologist in Florida who never examined Hillary Clinton” that said “she has Parkinson’s Disease.” I am that anesthesiologist. And it’s true that I have not examined Mrs. Clinton. But the diagnosis of Parkinson’s is based in observation, not examination, and “60 Minutes” wasn’t interested in that fact.

“60 Minutes” carefully edited my name and website out of their broadcast presentation. But when the entire transcript of the interview was made public, my name was clearly present. One has to wonder why they felt it necessary to avoid naming the source of the story when I had gone public months before. Sean Hannity’s producer found my cell phone number and called me while my wife and I were shopping at Costco, yet “60 Minutes” made no attempt to contact me. It also appears that they didn’t bother to examine anything other than the headline Cernovich added to my story.

After my first report on Hillary Clinton’s obvious medical difficulties went viral, I published another sixteen posts expanding on the original story. Among those are two of particular importance: “How to Prove Me Wrong About Hillary’s Parkinson’s Disease” and “Differential Diagnosis of Hillary’s Neurological Disorder.” I also posted a video that discussed how “tinfoil hats are not permitted.” Had “60 Minutes” even looked at the thread on www.VidZette.com, they would have realized that, instead of me promoting “a bogus diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease,” it was their story that was bogus.


9 Comments on I Was Fake News before Fake News Was Cool

  1. Hillary Rodham Clinton has
    Democrat Party disease
    Communist Party disease
    Saul Alinsky Superiority Syndrome
    Leftist Immunity Syndrome.

    She is TOXIC to the thought of
    Constitutional Freedoms
    Individual liberties and
    the basic fundamental G-d given rights of
    all persons.

  2. damn the facts! … it’s ‘the narrative’!
    if the truth doesn’t fit ‘the narrative’ then attack the truth!

    todays’ ‘media’ … straight from the father Marx, through the disciples Gramsci, Lenin, Stalin, Wilson, Alinsky, Roosevelt, Rodham-Clinton, Obama, Sanders, Warren, et. al.

  3. I have a cure:
    Three jiggers of Vodka
    One Jigger of Gin
    Two fingers of Dewars
    A pinch of salt
    Two fingers of Colt .45 Malt
    Ice it down, Shake it well and pour into a cold class.
    Have two more, then you can run for President again.

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