“I Was Smeared, Attacked, My life Threatened, My Daughter and I Were Stalked” – Biden Sexual Assault Accuser Opens Up on Greg Kelly Tonight – IOTW Report

“I Was Smeared, Attacked, My life Threatened, My Daughter and I Were Stalked” – Biden Sexual Assault Accuser Opens Up on Greg Kelly Tonight

In an interview last year, she said she wouldn’t vote for Trump (even to keep her alleged assaulter out of office, apparently) because he’s icky.

Gateway Pundit:
Tara Reade is a former aide to Joe Biden.
In 1993 Reade accused her former boss then-Senator Joe Biden of sexually assaulting her.

Reade said in 1993 that then-Senator Joe Biden pushed her up against the wall and penetrated her with his fingers.

In a graphic interview with Megyn Kelly last year, Tara Reade began by explaining how she was given a duffel bag and told to “hurry” up and give it to then-Senator Biden.

She caught up with Biden in a corridor in the Russel building to give him his gym bag and that’s when he sexually assaulted her…

On Wednesday night Tara Reade joined Greg Kelly to discuss the horrible sexual assault by Joe Biden.

14 Comments on “I Was Smeared, Attacked, My life Threatened, My Daughter and I Were Stalked” – Biden Sexual Assault Accuser Opens Up on Greg Kelly Tonight

  1. Amazing how brainwashed progressive women are. She, of all people knew exactly who and what Joe was/is, yet her decades of political indoctrination would not let her vote to keep him out of office. Even after his minions treated her and her family like shit. I have little sympathy for her

  2. …they must get a different and MUCH weaker type of woman in govenment than I’m used to.

    …most women I know, if you tried to penetrate their vaginas without permission, would penetrate your head with lead, little one first, then the big one…

  3. She should feel fortunate that she hasn’t (yet) been tortured and murdered.
    I’m sure that when the FBI winds up some other matters they’ll find time for her.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. …the credibility problem may be that everyone, “dr” Jill included, knows that Joe likes ’em younger.

    Much younger.

    Much, MUCH younger.

    …you know, like too young for MUSLIM pedophiles younger…


    …otherwise, it’s not hard to believe. Rape is about dominance, about utterly owning another person who is completely helpless to protect their most personal self from the rapist, so it’s very well suited to the Democrat Party that they be rapist in body as well as metaphorically raping the nation, doubly so for their “leadership”.

    That’s why they’re all perverts.

    Peophiles like children because they are easier to dominate completely, and that it establishes that they not only were able to overpower a child, but that child’s parents were unable to protect it and all of society was unable to protect it. It’s basically every moral and social norm they are raping to try to prove they have total power over someone, and the power is what REALLY gets them off.

    Anyone that’s kicked over the traces that thoroughly is reprobate, and has violated the very spirit of God Himself. There is no way back for them, and they WILL rape, no matter what you cut off or how many times THEY are raped in prison, they WILL do it again, penis or no penis. A pedophile can’t be stopped, can’t be saved, and will ruin as many young lives as he can reach.

    You can only kill them.

    …that’s what Joe is. Totally reprobate. He thinks nothing of violating the most sacred of God, so I don’t doubt he’d do it. But it was probably just a reflex with him, so often done he most likely genuinely doesn’t remember doing it.

    …of course, Joe doesn’t remember very much at ALL these days, but that’s neither here nor there…

  5. That is EXACTLY what the left does EVERY time on EVERY SINGLE thing they accuse others of doing. This time it is attacking a sexual assault survivor, but it matters not what they are pointing their bony Goddamned finger and accusing anyone else of. They are as predictable as they are despicable in this regard.

    Hey I get to recycle this post from yesterday.

    Every Goddamn thing the left accuses others of is nothing more and nothing less than them projecting their own pathologies onto others. They know EXACTLY what they are and deep down they hate themselves for it, but instead of working on improving themselves they project their failings onto others and direct their hatred outward as a defense mechanism.

    They are leftists and have ben deconditioned to accept a code of moral relativism, but it is more than that they also have no no qualms with Critical Theory which teaches one to look past and/or excuse one’s own sins, but to be hyper critical of the slightest transgression on the part of others and use them as a cudgel to attack them with.

    And that is a stone cold natural fact, Jack

  6. @ Tony R MARCH 5, 2021 AT 2:20 PM

    True that. She knew what she was signing up for working in the office of a prog and it didn’t faze her. These 11th hour accusers are believable until you get to their motivation for coming forward. Then it is almost bald faced opportunism, or they are yesterday’s side piece for some politician and they have moved on.

  7. That’s the way the left rolls.

    And it’s why we need a strongman who will kick ass. Who cares if they record it in history as a right wing tyrant. It’s better to be recorded in history as a right wing tyrant than to have leftist mobs threaten, intimidate and beat you up for being a conservative.

  8. I believe Tara Reade. At least she can prove that she was working for him and told several people about it over the years, unlike the liars who smeared Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Come on, Dr. Jill, remind us again what a fabulous husband Dementia Joey has been since you met him on that blind date when you were cheating on your first husband with him years ago.

  9. Anyone remember the magazine interview of a young senator Biden, shortly after his first wife died in a car accident? He had a photo of her in a bikini on his desk, and was regaling the female interviewer with stories of his sexual prowess, and how he kept wife #1 “satisfied in bed”. The guy is a sicko, and always has been.


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