I was Walk Away before Walk Away was a thing – IOTW Report

I was Walk Away before Walk Away was a thing

Patriot Retort: I think the new Walk Away movement is bloody brilliant. I really do.

It’s something else seeing a massive exodus from the Democrat Party unfold before our eyes.

The Walk Away movement began when this video hit the scene:

If you’ve read the story of my transformation from Liberal to Conservative, you know I too walked away.

Of course I walked away fifteen years ago. But for a lot of the same reasons that Democrats are choosing to walk away today.

Given what the Left has become in the intervening years, I’m not at all surprised to see this Walk Away Movement gaining strength.

And I don’t just mean through a #WalkAway hashtag on Twitter. Though, that’s going gangbusters.  MORE

17 Comments on I was Walk Away before Walk Away was a thing

  1. I’ll never forget the look on my poor old dad’s face (being a good Union Democrat all those years) when he came to the realization that Jimmy “Fuckin” Carter was the stupidest MFR on the planet! And that was way before he fucked up IRAN!

  2. It’s not walking away, it’s walking towards. Walking towards conservatives lynching human beings. It’s walking towards conservatives ripping disabled children from their mothers, putting them in cages, and then poking sticks at them. And it’s walking towards bashing the skulls of Gay and Trans people. It’s walking away from your conscience.

  3. When I was born and raised by my parents, I was ‘woked’ to begin with. Never mind walked away…

    @ Larry – you like yourself so much, go EFF yourself.

    TROLL. – poster or poser soy boy?

    Tell your friends about US(A) and how we will ‘crucify’ you..with words.


    “No.. I won’t.. back… down” – Tom Petty


  4. Some Democrats are just now waking up to the fact that they jumped the shark 10 years ago! They’ve been on a binge too long of letting these immature, radical, bomb-throwing, Leftist Communist get their way and nothing could have highlighted it more than the election, success and accomplishments of Donald Trump!

  5. My associate was in Freeattle today and remarked that it is not the younger people who were apoplectic, it was the usual suspects who were going full drama queen. The twenty something females having a kitten with a wire tail were the butt ugliest of the butt uglies and they were way out numbered by those twice their age and three times their age.

  6. @JD Let me guess, they had pink/green/blue/purple pastel hair and an array of tattoos to bolster their progressiveness or they were a gray haired version of Butter Hair herself, DebbieWS, in Keen hiking boots and shirts from REI…🤔

  7. I do enjoy Larry’s posts for the comedic value, they’re exactly what you’d say if you were portraying the stereotypical hyper-emotional, short-on-logic liberal who is actually stupid enough to believe the things they’re parroting from the MSM.

  8. it’s only natural to “walk away” once you see the tax deductions in your paycheck and start becoming aware of the government corruption.

    if your “crumbs” don’t mean anything to you then you’re overpaid.

  9. It used to be that people started to “walk away” from liberalism in their late-20’s to early-30s, like Bill said. Based on the 2016 election results, it looks like the magic number is now closer to 45. Decades of liberal control of our education system, Hollywood, and the media have more thoroughly ingrained liberal philosophy and more thoroughly demonized conservatives. But their recent spate of loony behavior may help reverse that trend. Sure hope so!


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