‘I Was Wrong’: Paul Krugman Kicks Himself For His Awful Inflation Takes – IOTW Report

‘I Was Wrong’: Paul Krugman Kicks Himself For His Awful Inflation Takes


The New York Times opinion section actually published a shocking project where eight of their columnists admitted they were wrong about either economics, tech, foreign affairs or politics.At the top of the list was none other than “transitory” inflation gaslighter Paul Krugman. 

The Times’seconomic columnist published an op-ed with a headline that didn’t beat around the bush – for a change – and acknowledged how bad his unrealistic takes on the inflation crisis were for the past year. “I Was Wrong About Inflation,” says the headline. The disgruntled economist actually conceded that Biden’s irresponsible $1.9 trillion stimulus package was inflationary, despite his earlier objections to the contrary.

“Some warned that the package would be dangerously inflationary; others were fairly relaxed,” Krugman wrote. “I was Team Relaxed. As it turned out, of course, that was a very bad call.” Krugman’s latest concession comes after recent news that inflation spiked 9.1 percent year-over-year in June, wiping out estimates of an 8.8-percent increase. read more

21 Comments on ‘I Was Wrong’: Paul Krugman Kicks Himself For His Awful Inflation Takes

  1. Paul Krugman is a jelly-head. His opinions on economics have been wrong for the past 30 years. The fact that he is married to money is the ONLY reason why he has a job at the NYT.

  2. Krugman is a propagandist. He’s been consistently wrong about everything for decades, but that’s what he’s paid to do. If the New York Times was a legitimate newspaper, he would have been fired at least 25 years ago.

  3. Krugman has been continuously wrong since before he got his (politicized) Nobel in Economics.

  4. So … what’s his real game?
    This bullshit is just throwing sand in everyone’s eyes.

    I’m just a retired plumber, but even I know that irresponsibly printing $Billion upon $Billions is inflationary – so it’s a safe bet that he knows it, as well.

    Which gets us back to my question – what’s his real game?
    Why apologize over this stupid shit, now, when he’s been carrying water for Inter-National Socialism his entire career?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Vill Herr KroogMahn retract any of
    his lies about Climate Change? “KlimatKampf”

    Will he expose NYT as the
    propagandist arm of the smellocratic party?

    Will he apologize to the American people
    for the constant proffering of leftist
    extremism instead of unbiased fact

    We all know the answer is NO

    The whole point of his “soul-searching”
    is self-serving vindication.

    Like an alcoholic crying about his last
    binge while being consoled by his minister.

  6. Krugman’s Nobel is for “economics”. For all practical purposes, the awards are decided by the Swedish central bank and not by panels of people who at least pretend to be academics (a good many are).

    Even in Wikipedia we find:

    Peter Nobel describes the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel as a “false Nobel prize” that dishonours his relative Alfred Nobel, after whom the prize is named, and considers economics to be a pseudoscience.

    As pointed out by several above, little Paul isn’t an economist but rather a political propagandist who writes with economic terminology. Even the stuff he produced that prompted the central bankers to give him the pseudo-Nobel is about the geographic effects of globalization and increased economies of scale.

  7. Krugman and Biden compete to see how many issues they can be wrong about. Even though lyin Biden’s been around longer, Krugman has racked up more pairs of liar liar pants on fire. That’s why Krugman is a professor and Biden is only an honorary professor.

  8. gotta say … getting a little bit more than tired of the regressives always backtracking by saying, “oops, my bad” after every calamity they’ve helped to create

    in earlier ages these people would have been publicly executed

    Krugman should be thoroughly laughed out of any & all future discussions of economics. he has proven, time & time again, that he clearly doesn’t understand basic economics or is a willing shill of oligarch control of the means of profit

  9. 2016: Paul Krugman: “Trump will bring global recession”

    2020: Paul Krugman: predicts economic ‘boom’ under Biden …

    Kinda sums it all up right ther – Paul Krugman: Political Apparatchik!

  10. Krugman should be forced to continuously kick his own stupid arse while upside down on a one-hand handstand while reciting the works of Milton Friedman word for word and line by line, including all punctuation.


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