‘I will not comply’: NYPD chief urges businesses to force patrons to ‘show face’ upon entry by removing masks – IOTW Report

‘I will not comply’: NYPD chief urges businesses to force patrons to ‘show face’ upon entry by removing masks


Achief New York Police Department (NYPD) official is encouraging businesses to require patrons to remove their masks upon entry in an effort to prevent crime, AM New York (AMNY) reports.

Per AMNY, Jeffrey Maddrey — “NYPD’s highest-ranking uniformed officer” — made the announcement during a press conference last month in response to a Queens jewelry store robbery.

“We’re seeing far too often where people are coming up to our businesses, sometimes masks, hood, and latex gloves, and they’re being buzzed in, they’re being allowed to enter the store, and then we have a robbery or some kind of property being stolen,” Maddrey said. “We’re asking businesses to be proactive about this, we’re asking the businesses to make this a condition of entry, that people when they come in, they should show their face, they should identify themselves.” MORE. h/t Mr. Pinko.

6 Comments on ‘I will not comply’: NYPD chief urges businesses to force patrons to ‘show face’ upon entry by removing masks

  1. The guy should be demanding that NY politicians such a Cryin’ Chuckie Schumer (of the Jeffrey Epstein pay-off), KKKJoe Biden’s political plantation dweller Uncle Eric Adams, governor Kickback Kathy Hichul et al remove THEIR masks and masquerades.

  2. The guy should be demanding that NY politicians such a Cryin’ Chuckie Schumer (of the Jeffrey Epstein pay-off), KKKJoe Biden’s political plantation dweller Uncle Eric Adams, governor Kickback Kathy Hochul et al remove THEIR masks and masquerades.

  3. My Doctor just “fired” me when I criticized his mask policy. I was told in no uncertain terms that I would not be coming back. Interestingly, I also learned that his office is recording phone calls which is illegal in Florida without consent of the parties. I probably signed a consent somewhere along the way having not read all the fine print.

    Found a new doctor and started reading the fine print and had to stop and just sign the damned thing. You waive every right you thought you had with one of those consent forms. You want to see the doc, you sign the form.

  4. So now it’s not OK to wear a mask when you’re in a store or a bank because you might be a bank robber or a crook. But during the so called phony COVID scamdemic people were forced to wear masks or else they’d be refused service or worse and that was supposedly OK. When and why did it become permanent opposite day in America? Ok, I’m being sarcastic. We’ve lost our friggin minds and don’t know what to do unless the gubmint OK’s our every movement. I am not a sheeple, I am a free born old school American citizen. We have definitely entered not only Bizarro World but the Twilight Zone simultaneously.


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