I Won’t Arrest You For Celebrating Thanksgiving, And No Good Cop Would – IOTW Report

I Won’t Arrest You For Celebrating Thanksgiving, And No Good Cop Would


work as a patrol officer in a suburb of a major U.S. metropolitan area, so I know that no good cop is interested in enforcing tyrannical and unending lockdown orders from state and local executives. Some police departments are openly declaring they won’t enforce these orders, and plenty more of this is happening quietly behind the scenes.

In many localities, law enforcement is doing little to enforce often unconstitutional edicts from governors amid the country seemingly hating cops. Yes, the horror stories make the news, and there are too many of these. A woman was arrested at an outdoor event and tased for not wearing a mask—for being outside in the fresh air. A man was forced off a bus in Philadelphia. Two homeless men were arrested for not wearing masks in Nashville.

Yet of course you never hear about cops slowly going to an alleged mask violation so the person can leave. It doesn’t make the news, but I can tell you it happens—a lot. read more

12 Comments on I Won’t Arrest You For Celebrating Thanksgiving, And No Good Cop Would

  1. Oh pump the fucking brakes.
    “Yet of course you never hear about cops slowly going to an alleged mask violation so the person can leave. ”

    Nor should we. It’s a civil rights violation John Law. No more excuses. Fucking pick a side.

  2. When we finally arrive in Utopia, are cops going to be arresting governors and mayors that issue unconstitutional edicts? Or maybe we won’t need any cops. Utopia is a really confusing place.

  3. No one with any sense of propriety would presume such as justification to intrude into another man’s castle with such flimsy pretext of concern for life and health. For any Goddamned politician to usurp that authority is all anyone needs to assess their lack of any decency whatsoever.

  4. You mean the SAME BADGEMONKEYS who routinely arrest people for ALL MANNER of laws that DIRECTLY and BLATANTLY violate multiple Amendments in the Bill Of Rights?
    If you believe that bullsh*t I’ve got some beachfront property east of Reno I can give you a good price on.

  5. Germany, 1936: I Won’t Arrest You For Violating the Anti-Jewish Laws, And No Good Nazi Would.

    As the “good cops” with a conscience take early retirement and leave the blue-city departments en-mass, who do you think they are hiring as replacements?

  6. The cops claiming they wouldn’t arrest you for celebrating Thanksgiving are the
    SAME COPS who will ticket you for jaywalking on a street with ZERO traffic. The SAME COPS who will search you and your vehicle WITHOUT a warrant based ONLY on their “hunch”. The SAME COPS who will happily toss your ass in prison for violating any of the more than 20,000 laws extant regarding firearms…ALL of which are blatantly unconstitutional. So yeah…..like I’m going to believe the bullshit coming out of this badgemonkeys piehole.


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