‘I Would Have Been Dismembered… Thrown Into a Trash Can’ Says Black Woman Whose Mother Paid for Abortion – IOTW Report

‘I Would Have Been Dismembered… Thrown Into a Trash Can’ Says Black Woman Whose Mother Paid for Abortion

PJMedia: On Tuesday, Democrats on the House Appropriations Committee held a hearing condemning the Hyde Amendment, a federal policy that protects taxpayers from funding the intentional killing of babies in the womb. Democrats argued that the policy is racist but a black mother gave a powerful testimony in favor of the Hyde Amendment, telling her personal story about having almost gotten aborted herself.

“I was born in 1981, a year after the Supreme Court reaffirmed the Hyde Amendment,” Christina Bennett, communications director of the Family Institute of Connecticut, testified. “My mother faced intense pressure to abort, leading her to schedule an abortion at Mt. Sinai hospital in Hartford.”

Yet “the kind words of an elderly black janitor” convinced Bennett’s mother to keep her. “Before she left, the doctor pressured her to go through with the abortion, reminding her that she’d already paid for it. When she insisted on keeping me, he yelled, ‘Don’t leave this room.’”

“My mother wanted me even though she paid for an abortion,” Bennett explained. “My mother represents women who’ve been coerced into abortion.” read more

8 Comments on ‘I Would Have Been Dismembered… Thrown Into a Trash Can’ Says Black Woman Whose Mother Paid for Abortion

  1. “Before she left, the doctor pressured her to go through with the abortion, reminding her that she’d already paid for it.”

    He’s the type of doctor who would inject a 3 year old boy with hormones to turn him into a girl.

  2. It’s amazing the lengths liberals will go to to kill the innocent.

    In some extremely warped way, it makes them feel good. These legal-evil murders are 100 times worse than the Holocaust. All done in the name of women’s “equality”, an abuse of logic like none other.

  3. “I Would Have Been Dismembered… Thrown Into a Trash Can”

    …it could still happen to you even today if the Democrats get their way. They want to rule on ALL who should live and should die, they just START with babies and the elderly to cheapen life, numb us to sanctioned murder, and because they can’t defend themselves, but they’re working their way in to ALL age groups that disagree with them, its what Communists DO…

  4. TimBuktu
    DECEMBER 9, 2020 AT 4:19 PM
    “It’s amazing the lengths liberals will go to to kill the innocent. In some extremely warped way, it makes them feel good.”

    …you have no idea. There’s even a fetish among the reprobate to grow a baby to near term for the express purpose of getting a sexual thrill from murdering it, even glorying in knowing what sex baby they murdered…


    …there really is no bottom to how sick these people are. No one should EVER think its possible to reason with people this far gone in depravity…

  5. You can’t and don’t want to argue with a pro abort ever. They are some of the meanest, nastiest, vile, physically and spiritually ugly, foul mouthed reprobates that I have ever met. You ‘d be better off arguing with a rock because at least it can praise God.

  6. …I’m sorry they increas your pain to their own selfish ends, Erik, but you can rest assured that burn they WILL for it, sooner or later.

    And we may yet gain an opportunity to speed them on their way.

    Don’t hold the anger until it poisons you, though. Rage clouds judgement and pushes those who love you away when you need each other most. Do not dwell in it or let it fester in your heart, but give it to God before it consumes you.

    …but that doesn’t mean it can’t inform your decisions when things get sideways here in the near future either.

    The Lord commands we forgive.

    But that doesn’t mean we forget…


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