As a kid my parents played this every year on the downstairs 10 foot long piece of wooden furniture that we called a record player.
Thanks for the memories ;-O
It’s that joyous time of year! Holiday tip for 2020: USPS is offering free shipping this year anywhere in the continental US. Simply address your packages as usual and behind the addressee’s name write “(Ballot Tabulation)”. With bold indelible ink, mark “Biden Ballots” across the package in several locations and then simply leave the packages on your doorstep. They will be picked up immediately by our efficient USPS and delivered overnight…no charge! HOHOHO!
I have this on 78 – he’s very funny.
How many of you know what Zerodachus smoochus krakas is?
@AA – “…How many of you know what Zerodachus smoochus krakas is?…”
I know it’s not English and therefore most likely not what my dirty mind first thought of. So, no I don’t know.
Anyone know when the next Antifa/BLM Christmas toy drive is? They contribute SO MUCH to their respective communities.
:screams internally in Norwegian:
I remember on Casey Kasem’s American Top 40 Christmas countdown in the ‘70’s that he did not play this because he thought it was demeaning.
RadioMattM- LOL. Yet Casey never thought it was demeaning to the bands who had to pay to get on his TOP40.
Yogi Yorgeson’s Greatest Hit
Sweden: “Yumpin yimminy I hope I git a fish for Christmas.”
Swedish, Norwegian, meh it’s all the same
As a kid my parents played this every year on the downstairs 10 foot long piece of wooden furniture that we called a record player.
Thanks for the memories ;-O
It’s that joyous time of year! Holiday tip for 2020: USPS is offering free shipping this year anywhere in the continental US. Simply address your packages as usual and behind the addressee’s name write “(Ballot Tabulation)”. With bold indelible ink, mark “Biden Ballots” across the package in several locations and then simply leave the packages on your doorstep. They will be picked up immediately by our efficient USPS and delivered overnight…no charge! HOHOHO!
I have this on 78 – he’s very funny.
How many of you know what Zerodachus smoochus krakas is?
@AA – “…How many of you know what Zerodachus smoochus krakas is?…”
I know it’s not English and therefore most likely not what my dirty mind first thought of. So, no I don’t know.
Uff Da!