ICE Agents Finding Ways Around ‘Sanctuary’ Policies – IOTW Report

ICE Agents Finding Ways Around ‘Sanctuary’ Policies

The Lid: Illegal Immigrant Carlos Eduardo Arevalo Carranza was arrested for killing a 59-year-old Bambi Larson in San Jose. Her death could have been prevented if California didn’t have a sanctuary law.  There were six ice detainer requests for Carranza–all ignored.

Throughout the country, sanctuary policies have lead to violent crimes that never would have happened if retainers were observed. Thankfully some ICE agents around the country are getting around the local “sanctuary” policies via back-door relationships with brave local law enforcement officers who cooperate even though they are told to allow illegal immigrants to roam free.

For example:

The forces for open borders say they’ve seen similar behavior in “places like Philadelphia, Chicago, and several communities in California  which has a statewide sanctuary law.”

The ACLU claims ICE’s is getting some of their information via “sweeping use of a vast automated license plate reader (ALPR) database run by a company called Vigilant Solutions. Over 9,000 ICE officers have gained access to the Vigilant system under a $6.1 million contract that the public first learned of last year. ICE has access to over 5 billion data points of location information collected by private businesses, like insurance companies and parking lots, and can gain access to an additional 1.5 billion records collected by law enforcement agencies.”

Wired Magazine is reporting that sometimes when ICE agents can’t get the information they need out of Vigilant, they get help from local law enforcement who care about protecting their communities:  MORE

6 Comments on ICE Agents Finding Ways Around ‘Sanctuary’ Policies

  1. ” ‘I was surprised and horrified,’ said Maggie Hart Stebbins, chairwoman of the Bernalillo County Commission. ‘Individual employees do not have the freedom to pick and choose what they want to observe.’ ”

    But a county chairman does?

  2. While I abhor the illegal/intrusive collection of our data, it’s done and that genies not going back in the bottle. So best use is to round up illegals anyway they can, lord knows we need to make room for the hundreds of thousands currently pouring over the border.
    Of course ACLU was silent when obama ramped up this program, but now it’s used against illegals, they’re enraged.

  3. They should use the “free stuff” trick to lure them out of the sanctuary zone. Like a free 60″ TV or vacation if you come to a specific location to pick it up. They did this in B’more about 20 years ago with great success (back when the police actually cared)!

  4. When a Police Officer and or Ice Agent gets hurt or killed, the elected officials should be charged with the exact same charges the Perpetrator would get (if he lives).


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