ICE: Illegal Charged with Wife’s Murder 7 Months After Oregon Officials Released Him – IOTW Report

ICE: Illegal Charged with Wife’s Murder 7 Months After Oregon Officials Released Him

Breitbart: An illegal alien from Mexico accused of stabbing his wife to death on Sunday was released from an Oregon county jail seven months ago despite federal immigration authorities’ request to deport him, immigration officials said.

Martin Gallo-Gallardo, 45, is facing murder charges in connection with the death of Coral Rodriguez-Lorenzo, 38, after authorities discovered her body in a ditch near a river east of Portland on October 28.

Authorities say Gallo-Gallardo was charged with murder for fatally stabbing Rodriguez-Lorenzo multiple times after an argument. The Mexican national pleaded not guilty to the murder charges Tuesday.

But immigration officials say this crime could have been prevented had Oregon law enforcement officials complied with federal immigration laws.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials said immigration officials placed a civil detainer on Gallo-Gallardo when authorities discovered during an arrest in Portland seven months ago for felony domestic violence charges that the Mexican national was in the country illegally.

ICE said the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Department did not honor immigration authorities’ request to deport him because of Oregon’s sanctuary laws. more here

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