Ice is a mass murderer – IOTW Report

Ice is a mass murderer

ICE AGE NOW: Ice, not global warming, is the big killer and this recurring calamity often strikes quickly.

Another Endangered Species?

By Viv Forbes 
30 March 2018

Earth is a dangerous place. Of all the species that have ever lived, over 95% have already been extinguished by natural disasters.

Ice, not global warming, is the big killer and this recurring calamity often strikes quickly. Thousands of mammoths and other animals were killed by ice storms and their snap-frozen bodies are still entombed in ice around the Arctic. Just 15,000 years ago great ice sheets smothered the northern hemisphere as far south as Chicago, Moscow and London and all life had migrated towards the equator. This deadly ice had gripped Earth for about 50,000 years.

Ice ages are also times of dry winds and drought as cold oceans and cold dry atmospheres produce little evaporation or precipitation. Great deserts like the Sahara and the Gobi expand, and wind-blown dust fills the skies and rivers.

Adding to Ice Age woes, cold oceans suck the gas of life (carbon dioxide) out of the atmosphere, thus making surviving plants less able to cope with cold and drought. One of the great serendipities of modern life is that man’s use of carbon-rich fuels like oil and coal not only provides energy but also adds carbon dioxide plant food to the severely depleted carbon stocks of the atmosphere. Satellites have detected the resultant greening of the Earth.

Earth also suffers cycles of volcanism where much life is extinguished by ash, lava, earthquakes and tsunamis, usually followed by more cold and starvation as dust blocks sunlight. Just one era of volcanism covered the Deccan in India with many lava flows in places more than 2 km thick and spewed hot lava into the oceans along the mid-ocean trenches. Earthquakes and resulting tsunamis swept all life from large areas of land and dumped and buried their fragmented remains in heaps of mud.  MORE HERE


11 Comments on Ice is a mass murderer

  1. never understood the Climate Luddites hatred of warm weather

    … all life thrives in warm weather … ‘cept that ice cold bitch I used to date! 😱

  2. Winter now is bad enough for me to wish for warmer weather. Imagine ice sheets that far south and lasting for 50,000 years. There is a moraine in NYC Central Park deposited there in the last ice age.

  3. Hey (Africa) Bob! were those ICE machetes?
    I hate the fookin cold. My Dearly departed Daddy used to quip that Hell was really a frozen wasteland…. Fire and brimstone was used to excite the masses! Between Arctic freezes, volcanoes, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, liberals, earthquakes, the Sun burning out, killer asteroids, killer hemorrhoids, Global warming, killer bees, ebola, obama, FULL semi-auto weapons, bourbon, beer, cigars, Laphroaig, sodom, gomorrah, nukes, russian bots, imbeciles, general assheadedness and the economy hanging by a thread we are staring complete annihilation in the face on a daily basis……
    The living GOD is watching, knows the outcome and loves us. We can gnash our teeth and beat our chests all day, but we best concentrate on the shiite we can control.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. @ Molon,
    I am not nearly as well read as my brother nor either of my parents…. some kind of attention deficiency thing. But! I did look up the cliffsnotes version…. apropos

    What are the firearms laws like?

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