ICE Raids Shrivel Supply of Day Laborers at Home Depot – IOTW Report

ICE Raids Shrivel Supply of Day Laborers at Home Depot

Breitbart: Many Home Depots once featured several dozen day laborers nearby, but the supply is shriveling as the U.S. Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) may seek to deport up to 3 million illegal aliens that have criminal records.

Following a presidential executive order, “Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements,” issued on January 25, ICE raids across the United States detained 680 high priority individuals for deportation, with about 161 detained in California, according to the Washinton Examiner.

But that works out to just o.07 percent of the 950,062 non-detained aliens with deportation orders on the list as of May 21, 2016.  more here

10 Comments on ICE Raids Shrivel Supply of Day Laborers at Home Depot

  1. I guess they will be forced to pay real wages to real Americans then. Don’t give me this shit about “doing jobs Americans won’t”. Pay me enough and I’ll get my fat ass out there.

  2. Cut off welfare to those Americans unwilling to do those jobs and they would find the motivation to work. Cut off the billions of dollars in welfare and other benefits going to illegals and they’d find their way out the border door in a month.

  3. The Left screams, “Trump can’t deport 12-million people!”

    If you take away the ability to work illegally, they will self-deport. Gone. Pfffffft! Disappear-o. Adios.

    Oh, and make all businesses use e-Verify and sanction those who employ illegals.

  4. BOO HOO! There are many jobs that Americans would do if these people would leave. There were times I was out of work and would have done many of these jobs. Certain industries have been usurped by latinos. Yard work, farming, painting, construction. Who’s a contractor going to hire. A guy he can pay cash without bennies or someone who needs a W-2?
    It is an absolute lie we won’t do those jobs.

  5. Gee, that’s too bad, boo hoo. Maybe contractors should start hiring AMERICANS and pay them a decent wage. If the illegals are removed from the system, the playing field will now be level.

  6. where I live there is a little corner store where the mex’s would hang out early in the morning as I drove by- but low and behold-the other day as I drove by-zero-nada-none to be seen. 🙂 now the locals are starting to come back and shop there again–jezz, wonder why???

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