ICE Sends Message to Big Employers of Illegal Workers – IOTW Report

ICE Sends Message to Big Employers of Illegal Workers

Epoch Times:

Details of the hiring practices of seven meat-processing plants in central Mississippi started coming to light as court documents were unsealed on Aug. 8.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents seized the business records during a sweep that hit all seven plants simultaneously and resulted in the arrest of 680 workers, suspected to be illegally employed.

Six of the seven plants were “willfully and unlawfully” hiring people who didn’t have legal authority to work in the United States, according to the court documents.

Almost the full staff of two chicken-processing plants were illegal aliens, according to a confidential informant who worked with ICE Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) agents.

The two companies—P H Foods Inc. and A & B Inc.—owned by the same Chinese man, hired about 300 illegal immigrants from Guatemala and Mexico, the informant told agents.

The informant said most of the illegal aliens used their real names and made-up Social Security numbers. Others used falsified documents or the stolen identities of U.S. citizens, according to court documents.

A Guatemalan national interviewed by HSI agents said he had worked at A & B Inc. for about six years and was only required to give his name when he got the job. He said he was paid $900 by check every two weeks.

Some workers were wearing electronic monitoring bracelets for previous immigration violations. read more

12 Comments on ICE Sends Message to Big Employers of Illegal Workers

  1. Thanks for bringing this to light
    About 500+ rental properties that were not available for Americans either. Drives everybody to the poorhouse.
    Nice market for a choice select few Chambers of Commerce Realty Management Marketing Portfolios.
    Slave Traders.

  2. Grab a few CEO’s/Presidents of three or four of the biggest meat processors in the States and frog march them off to jail in front of the cameras and televise their bail appearance (no lawyers appearing for them either, only the real deal) and the trafficking and use of illegals in this industry will stop overnight. The price of your chicken or beef may go up a few cents a pound but a lot of unemployed Americans will suddenly find work available at a decent wage and pride slowly returning.

  3. Arrests in Mississippi on Wednesday

    Koch Foods in Morton, 243

    Peco Foods in Bay Springs, 56

    Peco Foods in Canton, 151

    Peco Foods in Sebastopol, 45

    Pearl River Foods in Carthage, 86

    PH Foods in Morton, 99

    Source: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement

    Koch and Koch Brothers are Triplet Slavers.
    You subsidize their SLAVES.
    Misery for Profit and Chambers of Commerce strategy lunches.
    They won’t pay Americans living wages but will import third world slaves and make you pay to clothe, feed and house them.

  4. This: ” No charges were brought against corporate officials.” As pointed out above and as I have suggested for registrars, anyone found guilty of enslaving/employing illegals should be hung. This shiite will cease forthwith!

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  5. The Koch bros don’t own Koch foods, the coincidence withstanding they still are cheap labor advocates. The Trump economy is now so robust that it ironically is drawing border jumpers like flies because the titans of industry require a constant flow of cheap labor to keep the economic wheels turning at maximum profit.

    Meat packing has always been one of the hardest and nastiest jobs in the history of our Nation. Conversely few people with any sort of education or potential pack meat.

    One of the main drivers for early release of felons is the shortage of workers for hard and nasty jobs. So now we are replacing criminals with criminals.

    I am a full throated capitalist and hate communism in all forms. I am willing to endure an extreme shortage of labor to keep millions of Marxist voters out of the country (and millions of illegals are currently voting Demonrats), but there will be pain when the labor market cannot meet demand.

  6. Ten pound bags of Chicken Legs were going for as low as $3.59 a bag recently here in SE Louisiana. But now they’re at $6.59. Coincidence?

    We need to make eVERIFY the law of the land in all US States and territories and possessions ( F U Pelosi) and put some real consequences in it for both illegals AND their employers


    Why is not the entire process prosecuted? From the Coyotes, to the landing zone of the employer? Why not the owner of the apartment who knows, or should know they are illegal and doesn’t perform the correct paperwork?

    Arrest them all.


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