Iceland Chief Epidemiologist Admits Natural Infection is the Only Way to Achieve Herd Immunity From WuhanFlu – IOTW Report

Iceland Chief Epidemiologist Admits Natural Infection is the Only Way to Achieve Herd Immunity From WuhanFlu

WLT: In recent weeks, COVID-19 cases have exploded in the small Nordic nation of Iceland.

Despite over 70% of the entire population being fully vaccinated against COVID-19, Iceland has witnessed its largest outbreak this summer.

“Before the current outbreak, Iceland was recording a very low amount of cases.”
“On August 5, 77 of Iceland’s 106 new COVID cases were recorded in fully vaccinated individuals.”

— Infowars Army GFW (@ArmyIWGFW) August 8, 2021

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Iceland (93% of the population 16 years of age or older vaccinated) is experiencing its largest wave of Covid-19 yet. At this point, I think it is unreasonable to assume that increased vaccine coverage will result in herd immunity

— Elías Eyþórsson (@eliaseythorsson) August 7, 2021


12 Comments on Iceland Chief Epidemiologist Admits Natural Infection is the Only Way to Achieve Herd Immunity From WuhanFlu

  1. Gonna be a couple more years and another 100 million poisonings with the fake “vaccines” before WE get there, Fachi was on the radio lying his ASS off about the “vax” working well on every variant and not CAUSING it and STILL pushing masks, and the news guy swallowed, wiped the drip of semen off his lip, swallowed that TOO, then opened his mouth for more…

  2. Bubbbubbut what about DeltaSantis and the children he is killing, and and all the hospital covid wards he’s filling???? I seen this guy Johnathan Simpson on twitter and he KNOWS!!!

  3. So us dumb people that didn’t get the JAB, are the smart ones.
    I’ve said it before that the JAB was the souse of the Delta variant. If nothing else it proves the JAB is a useless money making plan.

  4. Our omniscient leaders painted us into this corner when they established an unbreakable protocol of refusing treatment to all but the critically ill.

    The question remains as to whether Fauci and friends set this scenario up as a tool for political gain and profit.


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