ICYMI: Comey gets the ‘United’ treatment on ‘New Yorker’ cover – IOTW Report

ICYMI: Comey gets the ‘United’ treatment on ‘New Yorker’ cover

New Yorker

15 Comments on ICYMI: Comey gets the ‘United’ treatment on ‘New Yorker’ cover

  1. If you’ve been following the Comey firing and the back and forth you will love Trumps latest tweet;
    “Comey better hope none of our conversations were recorded”


  2. This cover is frameable for all involved.

    But Extirpates is exactly right about the New Yorker Magazine.

    Decades ago, it was relevant.

    Now, I wouldn’t buy it for the outhouse, if I still had one.

  3. Outside of Mrs. Comey, who really gives a fuck?
    None of these snivelling, whining, crybaby, shit-pickle-eating, twat-waffle, fart-sniffers cares whether Comey lives or dies – they care only about the possible damage that can be done to President Trump – and they know that once the public is exposed to past presidential firings, it all becomes moot – just so much piss in a rainstorm.
    The socialists (including the media) are so predictable that they’re boring.

    And there’s no greater sin in entertainment than boring.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Of course. They’re a bunch of progs. They took a lot of heat for doing the 0bamas dressed in terror gear doing a fist bump. Remember that? They thought they were making fun of the 0bama haters, but guess who was actively supporting terrorists his entire administration? Yup. The fisters.

  5. Love the cover and the uproar from the phony lawyers who represented the pervy doctor who was mishandled by United. Oh, the Humanity! Oh, the Comey Comedy!

  6. The N. Yorker cover was July 21st. 2008. Moochel looks like a terrorist and Barry looks like Mohamar Kadaffi. I bought the magazine for that cover and it is still on the wall. They won’t make the mistake of printing a cover that accurate again.

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