ICYMI: Democrat New York judge arrested, led from courthouse in handcuffs – IOTW Report

ICYMI: Democrat New York judge arrested, led from courthouse in handcuffs

USA Today:

Rochester court deputies and city police officers executed a bench warrant issued for Judge Leticia Astacio’s arrest last week after she missed a Tuesday court appearance related to an August drunken-driving conviction.

Astacio, a Rochester City Court judge, smiled and said hello to the gaggle of reporters waiting for her at the fifth floor elevator bank of the Monroe County Hall of Justice where officers marched her off to be processed at the nearby Rochester Public Safety Building.

She returned later to the courthouse for an arraignment before Judge Stephen Aronson of Canandaigua City Court, who issued the warrant and is overseeing her drunken-driving case.

He ordered her held without bail in Monroe County Jail until a Thursday hearing. The reason she missed her court appearance last week was because she had been living in a temple with monks in the mountains of Thailand since May 3, she had texted to her lawyer.  read more

15 Comments on ICYMI: Democrat New York judge arrested, led from courthouse in handcuffs

  1. If your white I’d be really worried to have to face going in front of that beast. Everything about her smells like SJW. The Donald has a lot of toilet flushing to do.

  2. Even the political Elites on the lower end of the spectrum are dealt with kindly.
    If it were you or I? Not so kindly, Not so lenient.

    Justice may be blind, but she’s peaking out from under her mask all too frequently.

    Just one more example (of many) that the Judicial system is more fair and more equal for the elite.

    Accept it, get used to it, equal justice for all has become a cliché.

  3. She was caught pairing alcohol with driving. Once she gets out of jail, she will get a Personal Organizer to help her handle her affairs, while she is on the DMV Diet and donating her Precious Bodily Fluids at the Urine Depot. Then, she can go back to Thailand for her real enlightenment.

  4. typical Leftist asshole; thinks she’s ENTITLED to drive drunk and get away with it.

    Her fake smiles for the media cameras remind me of when Communist East Germany was coming apart at the seams in November 1987. While everyday Germans were ransacking the Volks Polizei Secret Police headquarters, the head of the East German Secret Police was seen walking the halls. A news crew was filming the mayhem and asked the dude in English how he was handling the situation. He answered, “KEEP SHMILING!”

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