ICYMI: Kennedy, Cornyn, Cruz and Hawley question Rosenstein – IOTW Report

ICYMI: Kennedy, Cornyn, Cruz and Hawley question Rosenstein

06 03 20 Kennedy questions Rod Rosenstein at Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.

Cornyn Questions Rosenstein on Comey, Steele Dossier, and Crossfire Hurricane Investigation.

Cruz Blasts Rosenstein: “the Obama Administration Targeted Its Political Opponents.”

Sen. Josh Hawley Questions Former Deputy AG Rosenstein Over Crossfire Hurricane Investigation.

9 Comments on ICYMI: Kennedy, Cornyn, Cruz and Hawley question Rosenstein

  1. Yawn….wake me up when someone goes to prison. Is it just me, or is anyone else getting tired of paying taxes so Washington can conduct endless hearings and useless investigations?

  2. The political theater is to “raise awareness.”
    A great many citizens (seem to) wallow in ignorance and sports – leaving the operations of the country to the elect(ed) – which is why we’re constantly barraged with “leaders” instead of “agents” or “representatives.”

    Sheep, Europeans, Middle-Easterners, Water Buffalo, Orientals, Slavs, Africans, Geese, Hispanics – ALL need “leaders” – free men DON’T.

    The Senate Judiciary Committee is attempting to put the criminality of the “Deep State,” the FBI, the CIA, and the NSA in the public view so that “We, the People” demand “justice.” Too many of us are sleepwalking through life.

    Give em some credit – they don’t have the authority to imprison and execute traitors; only to unveil them.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Tim is right.
    That’s why I post these types of videos.
    Not everyone keeps up with what the swamp is up to.
    This stuff is for THAT PERSON. And so that person can go tell another person.

    These alphabets have to be exposed to the core so that even msnbc and cnn will be too shy to hire them. lol.

  4. Be sure to watch Cruz’s summary of what happened. He laid it out so even obama can understand. We need hangings for turning gov’t over to obamas tyranny.


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