ICYMI— Marco Rubio: ‘Very Strong Argument’ for Military Invasion of Venezuela – IOTW Report

ICYMI— Marco Rubio: ‘Very Strong Argument’ for Military Invasion of Venezuela

h/t  conservativesforum.com

Breitbart: Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) indicated in a Spanish-language interview with Univisión last week that the United States should consider a military intervention in Venezuela.

In the interview with Miami’s Univisión 23 last Wednesday, Rubio said that a military intervention may be justified on the grounds of national security.

“For months and years, I wanted the solution in Venezuela to be a non-military and peaceful solution, simply to restore democracy,” he said. “There is a national assembly elected by the people that has been annulled by a dictatorship.”

“I believe that the Armed Forces of the United States are only used in the event of a threat to national security,” he continued. “I believe that there is a very strong argument that can be made at this time that Venezuela and the Maduro regime has become a threat to the region and even to the United States.” more here

SNIP: Who died and made him John McCain?


54 Comments on ICYMI— Marco Rubio: ‘Very Strong Argument’ for Military Invasion of Venezuela

  1. No. If we do, then all of their woes become our fault. We will be expected to take refugees by the millions. I can hear it now:
    “Trump lied, people died” “No blood for oil” “Trump’s a terrorist”
    US taxpayers would be on the hook to rebuild that ungrateful shithole.

  2. He’s been saying some stupid, off the wall things lately. Gearing up for a run against Trump again?
    Little Marco must be getting some nice paychecks from one of the leftist billionaires or something to make such an azz of himself.

  3. How would we win that war? The surrounding countries will only come in and work against us. Stop helping these people. It’s national welfare. Every time we ‘help’ them, they do less for themselves. And then they start bitching and we’re on the hook for more and more cash to them. Fuck that shit! let them storm their own capitols and burn them to the ground. Their people have to learn socialism and communism isn’t the way to go. They won’t value their government if they don’t invest time and sweat on their own.

  4. I read the other day that with the passing of John McCain there has been a “hawkish void” left to fill. I figured Graham might’ve been first with this type of rhetoric as he was McCain’s sock puppet but I see another 2016 UniParty throwaway presidential candidate made the first move. Rubio has now gone from just being a tool to a complete tool-bag.

  5. Beachmom. Yep. If you want freedom, that’s how you get it.

    Which is why I think that Bush wasted time and people in Iraq. If the Iraqis wanted to be free, they would have joined in and clobbered Islam when we offered them the chance. But they didn’t. They want to be backwards and they insist on it. They don’t want to change.

  6. We should get our own house in order before we attempt to take on the challenges of any others. We have many domestic needs such as strict rigidly enforced immigration laws, infrastructure, cost effective military enhancements, returning the postal service and train lines to profitable status just to name a few.
    The recent “lodestar” article published by the New York Slimes and the Kavanaugh hearings vividly illustrate how divisive our political class has become. None of our domestic needs will be accomplished without a purge of about 50% of the so called ruling class. We have to embrace common sense and defeat liberalism if this country is to endure.
    Interfering in another countries political idiocy is not what we need to do right now. We must take care of ourselves first.

  7. I’m no policy expert but how is Venezuela going to shit because of socialism a “national security threat.” He spent way too much time in the bathhouse and being influenced by the late, corpse rotting McStain. What an intellectual lightweight!

  8. To my recollection —MAGA didn’t include Venezuela.

    I do have sympathy for the Good people of Venezuela, the citizens have allowed the dictatorial government, it is up to them to correct the balance of power back to the people, by force if necessary.
    We’ll see what Venezuelans are made of after the corrupt wealthy and poor leave their country.

  9. “Hey Marco, let’s float this Venezuela invasion, and see if it bumps you up a few points.”

    Goddamn, I hate politicians. JFC… This would be a horrible idea. It would give countries like China and Russia an excuse to send their navies to the Caribbean, right next to our coast and major commercial shipping channels. Fuck Venezuela. They voted in that shit. They get to live with the consequences.

  10. Makes one wish that free speech was exclusively smart speech.

    Huzzah! to MJA. She’s exactly right. Let Venezuelans fight for their own country. And let Mexican fight for theirs, too. Americans already taught these guys how to fish by our Exceptional example. (Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Barky.)

  11. Speaking of Light Loafers Lindsey (Trip L), he has been sounding positively intelligent lately.
    I guess the stranglehold Songbird had on him died with the traitor.
    Yes, I’m with youse guys.
    How can a nation foundering in their Communism be a threat?
    Cut any and all aid, they tried to strangle us with oil, let them choke on food.
    Canada is more a threat than Venezuela.

  12. OpenTheDoor — Graham is up for reelection. I’d panic too if I had no job skills outside the Beltway. All POTUS Trump has to do this cycle is say something negative about you at a rally and you are toast.

  13. @ OpenTheDoor Don’t be fooled by Graham, he’s up for reelection in 2020 and just starting a little earlier than usual with his conservative act. Just remember, he fell all over himself to approve Sotomayor and Kagen, and refers to most of his constituents as “bigots” for not going along with his amnesty for illegals.

    @ AbigailAdams Graham is hoping for the AG spot after the mid-terms as he’s not the automatic winner he once was in SC

  14. Oh, HELL no!

    If they aren’t willing to fight for their own country, why should we? And we don’t need them “refugeeing” here, either. Make them stay home and deal with their own government. I’m also looking at you here, Mexico.

  15. His priorities are with latin people, he’s proved that with his stand on the border.
    Maybe he can demonstrate his persuasive political skills by convincing the dictator to change his ways and if not pick up a gun and start the revolution by yourself. Who knows maybe in 20 years or so college students will be wearing the defiant “Marco” t-shirts in honor of your sacrifice. Move over Che.

  16. Maduro is probably complicit in the drug trade and harboring/training terrorists – he is desperate for cash. Both activities present dangers to the United States, although in the case of drugs we are more responsible than the cartels because we create the demand. So yes, there are national defense issues in Venezuela that need watching.

    But an invasion? America will never win that type of action, and we would both be mired in a long term occupation and turn public opinion at Venzuela’s stupidity against ourselves. Venezuela was once fairly prosperous, but then went uber-socialist and basically (and predictably) collapsed. As much as Maduro wants to blame the US for this, the world knows where the fault lies and this is why the socialists don’t want to discuss Venezuela.

    Besides, in harboring drug cartels and terrorist groups, Venezuela has introduced a malignant cancer into its country. Assuming for the sake of argument that Venezuela is able to turn its economy around, neither group will voluntarily leave after establishing themselves in Venezuela. (See “Mexico”). Both the drug cartels and terrorist groups will continue to present an internal danger to whatever government is in charge of the country.

  17. @Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk September 6, 2018 at 11:40 am

    > Both the drug cartels and terrorist groups will continue to present an internal danger to whatever government is in charge of the country.

    Any government recognized by the Community of Nations. Elected by general suffrage (no, I didn’t misspell “suffering”). In a free and democratic transfer of power at the ballot box.

    Other games, other rules.

  18. The Swamp Gnome Marxo can eat shit. No. NO! NO! Good Jesus on the Cross, when Meheeco finally shits-the-bed we need to use tactical nukes south of the Rio Grande to glass the human wave of refugees fleeing their self-imposed failed Socialist narco state. Stupid pygmy neocon pandering closeted commie cocksucker. SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU LITTLE SHIT!

  19. Venezuela used to be a source of decent quality 7.62X51 ammo at reasonable prices. Clinton stopped the imports of it because that’s just what Dems do. To me, that’s the only thing Venezuela was ever good for. Screw them and screw the Dems!

  20. @extirpates September 6, 2018 at 1:14 pm

    > Does he get his “military strategy” from
    > GI Joe comics?

    That’s G.I. Jo, now. The American military has no place for gender. (Right, Marco?)

  21. The Venezuelans brought this on themselves. They need to solve it themselves. The most we should do is give then one 2,000 pound bunker-busting precision guided bomb. We can deliver it by air. After that it’s up to them. AND BY THE WAY DUNBSHITS, DON’T EVER VOTE FOR ANOTHER MARXIST OF ANY STRIPE!

  22. Venezuela is as dead as McCain. Sending the Air Force down there to bomb the place would be like bombing a graveyard.

    The whole continent along with Mexico and Central America is a gigantic shit-hole.

  23. Dear Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL). You were elected and took an oath to represent the constituency that elected you and the Constitution of the United States of America.
    F’ Venezuela

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