ICYMI: Sharpton Astounded Rand Paul Thinks People Who Work Harder Earn More – IOTW Report

ICYMI: Sharpton Astounded Rand Paul Thinks People Who Work Harder Earn More


al sharpton idiot


In the liberal universe, there’s no correlation between hard work or ingenuity and financial success.  As President Obama recently put it, the rich are simply “society’s lottery winners.

Sounding a similar theme, Al Sharpton today declared it “astounding” that Rand Paul believes that income inequality is due to “some people working harder.”  Astounding, indeed!  What’s wrong with Rand?  How could he possibly believe that someone someone who works, say, 60 hours per week might earn more than someone else who works 20?


12 Comments on ICYMI: Sharpton Astounded Rand Paul Thinks People Who Work Harder Earn More

  1. ALnotverySHARPton should not be given one minute of air time, one line of newsprint or even one disturbed electron to spew his brain dead views. The guy is a drain on society and does no good.

  2. He sounds like my welfare recipient ex-sister-in-law, who thought that just because I have an actual job and work for a living, I must be rich and couldn’t understand why I was so selfish as to not share my “wealth” with her.

  3. OKay, give the poor people all the money instead of having them work for it. Guaranteed it will be evaporated faster than you can hand it over. That’s because there is a difference between achieved wealth and given riches. Additionally, there is a void in one’s life that is filled with accomplishment, rather than having that void filled with hate for fellow upstanding law enforcement while chanting about some minority group in racist form. Cause & effect = symptom.

  4. The Rev Al pulls his weight! He is the designated African symbol
    as victimized by white privilege, racism, bigotry of expectations, slavery past and present and racial violence. Somebody has to do the dirty work for the home folks (and it pays extremely well)!

  5. My first thought on that exactly.
    No real meaningful work, yet still rich.

    Unbelievable, isn’t it, that educated hard long work might equal more wealth? Silly conservatives. (/sarc)

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