ICYMI: Sidney Powell Drops Bombshell Showing How The FBI Trapped Michael Flynn – IOTW Report

ICYMI: Sidney Powell Drops Bombshell Showing How The FBI Trapped Michael Flynn

“the draft also shows that the agents moved a sentence to make it seem to be an answer to a question it was not,” 


‘Mr. Flynn will ask this Court to dismiss the entire prosecution based on the outrageous and un-American conduct of law enforcement officials and the subsequent failure of the prosecution to disclose this evidence.’

Earlier this week, Michael Flynn’s star attorney, Sidney Powell, filed under seal a brief in reply to federal prosecutors’ claims that they have already given Flynn’s defense team all the evidence they are required by law to provide. A minimally redacted copy of the reply brief has just been made public, and with it shocking details of the deep state’s plot to destroy Flynn.

While the briefing at issue concerns Powell’s motion to compel the government to hand over evidence required by Brady and presiding Judge Emmett Sullivan’s standing order, Powell’s 37-page brief pivots between showcasing the prosecution’s penchant for withholding evidence and exposing significant new evidence the defense team uncovered that establishes a concerted effort to entrap Flynn. Along the way, Powell drops half-a-dozen problems with Flynn’s plea and an equal number of justifications for outright dismissal of the criminal charges against Flynn.

What is most striking, though, is the timeline Powell pieced together from publicly reported text messages withheld from the defense team and excerpts from documents still sealed from public view. The sequence Powell lays out shows that a team of “high-ranking FBI officials orchestrated an ambush-interview of the new president’s National Security Advisor, not for the purpose of discovering any evidence of criminal activity—they already had tapes of all the relevant conversations about which they questioned Mr. Flynn—but for the purpose of trapping him into making statements they could allege as false.” read more

12 Comments on ICYMI: Sidney Powell Drops Bombshell Showing How The FBI Trapped Michael Flynn

  1. The FBI has not had an honest + competent leader since J. Edgar. Bush’s exJarhead Mueller is competent; but has not been honest for over 40 years. Probably never was!

    Said here many times; and still believe, the CIA, HSA, + FBI should be destroyed. All workers fired. They have not protected us serfs for 20 years. In the case of the CIA never!
    To fund them is an act of suicide! At least for the “deplorables”; not for the “betters”!

  2. indictments coming. Comey, Brennan, McCabe and Clapper charged with conspiracy. I wonder if the girlfriend of strozk will sing first or will Baker go solo first? Then a duet, then a trio?

  3. i just listened to OANN and they said Barr was in private corp practice as a defense lawyer against government intrusion and abuse. I hope his follow through is as good as when he tees up

  4. I hope Mr. Flynn’s lawyer is three feet tall.
    With an eyepatch
    Just a ferocious little fucker
    I hope he bends them over and breaks it off and whoever thought all this up gets financially ruined and becomes homeless
    Then I want to see a new TV show spawned out of it though.
    Hobo Cam
    As part of an early release deal they live with the Hobo Cam attached to their heads. They are then free to panhandle

  5. Sidney Powell has been here before…she handled a case against the government that had tampered with evidence and sent innocent men to prison…Supreme Court saw her work and, with a full vote, turned them loose..

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