ICYMI: South African farmers panic after list of apparent expropriation targets published – IOTW Report

ICYMI: South African farmers panic after list of apparent expropriation targets published

RT: A list of white farmers whose lands are to be seized without compensation in South Africa has been published by the local minority rights group AfriForum. The government denies the accuracy of the list.

The group has uploaded the list of the next land-expropriation victims on its website. AfriForum said it obtained the list through the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform ministry, which has denied its veracity.

AfriForum claims the list of lands for expropriation includes 195 farms, and has offered to get in contact with affected parties to prepare for a joint legal strategy. The group’s CEO told News24 that the document was “definitely being circulated” in the South African government despite the denials.

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20 Comments on ICYMI: South African farmers panic after list of apparent expropriation targets published

  1. There are at least two Israeli firms down there teaching farmers how to handle weapons, and South Africa is the hottest place to get a job as a contractor right now. Lets hope the first farm they try and take is met with annihilation of the Stormtroopers.

  2. Many years ago Robin Williams included a bit in one of his routines about the ratio of blacks to whites in South Africa along with the idea that they might want to look up some guy named Custer.

    Believe it was still Apartheid at the time and Winnie hadn’t developed her signature tire necklaces yet. I don’t see the upside in taking out more of them than your number when it’s family involved. If you’ve gotten them out and want to stay to the end fine, but no number of “them” is worth any of the number of your own family.

    If you’re still there, it’s to late to salvage anything up to and including your lives. The question is how will it be reported on when the shit hits the fan full bore rather than the selective white genocide going now?

  3. Burn your farms down. Poison the earth underneath it.

    Let the last episode of Little House on the Prairie be your guide. One of the most revolutionary endings to a tv show ever.

    The writing is on the wall. The courts will not save you. The world will not save you. This has been coming since the late 1980s and it’s not just going to be “farmers”. If you are white in South Africa, you are a state sanctioned target for murder as a collaborator or sympathizer if not a landowner.

    Murderous gangs aren’t walking around with a list, “Ok, kill this one. Nope, that white one is ok.” If you are white, you’re on the list.

    It’s genocide with the blessing of the UN, a wink and a nod by Leftists in the US and cheers from dictators and their 14 year old “war veterans” all over Africa.

    Leftists still deride Cheney and others for “supporting Apartheid”. Will they sign their name on to this? Because our official US Policy should be sanctions as bad as anything on Iran that extend to anyone doing business with them.

  4. They had plenty of warning; should have sold out or burned their places to the ground and got the hell out of dodge. This has been coming for 20 years. I know smart ones who got out 20 years ago. Like Lazlo said– famine in short order.

  5. On the bright side, the bastards who attack and destroy these farmers will be starving soon enough. If some ass-hat askes me to donate money to help feed the starving masses over there, I’m going to punch them.

  6. Remember all the companies that boycotted S. Africa when they were protesting apartheid?
    Don’t see that happening now do you?

    The farmers are the wrong skin color to garner empathy or sympathy.
    After all the farms are confiscated and in the next 5 to 10 yrs become failures and the people are starving, then you’ll see companies sending food and aid.


    Sell your stuff

    Get on a plane

    Come to America

    Never leave

    Everyone else does, why not you? We actually need people who know how to work.

  8. The africans will kill blacks on the farms, too. They don’t care, they don’t think. Just like islam.

    Farmers should wreck their fields with anthrax. I hope the assholes can afford to take 3 months of antibiotics.

  9. “[V]ictims”?

    You agree to the house’ rules, when you sit down at the table. You rent land from The Party. You leave when The Party tells you to go. Yeah, be a screechy little loser, and maybe they’ll comp you a trip through the buffet. But, everybody knows you’re leaving. And everybody knows who keeps the pile (not the crumbs) of cash. Everybody knows.

    Don’t like the rules. Don’t sit at the table.

    Oh sure, the pit crew is still gonna bat the back of your head, and take your wallet. Even if you keep both hands in your pocket, and try to just walk past the door. On the other side of the street. That’s who they are. If you can’t live with that, somebody’s got to go.

  10. Cliche G,
    I used to think like you — burn the farm to the ground.
    But then I thought, why waste the time and energy?
    Just walk away, spend your energy in making a successful escape. The South African Africans that take over won’t know what to do, they’ll destroy the land all by themselves.

  11. It won’t take a year for widespread famine to be the rule. Just because you drove the owner off the land doesn’t mean you know how to farm. Zimbabwe begged the whites they kicked out to come back. Any who did are just plain stupid – if they’ll fook you over once, they’ll do it again.

    Whites aren’t being allowed to take anything of value out of the country – when they’re being allowed to leave at all. Hard to walk away from a place you’ve owned for generations (there were NO permanent inhabitants before the Europeans came) but if you don’t get across the border somehow, you.and.your.family.will.die.


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