ICYMI: Valdosta State student released memorandum, threatened to kill – IOTW Report

ICYMI: Valdosta State student released memorandum, threatened to kill

In a memorandum, Sheppard called for the killing of white women, babies, gay men and women, and elderly people.

Eric Sheppard

CampusReform: As the hunt continued for Eric Sheppard, a Valdosta State University student who had been in hiding since April when his gun was found on campus, the Black Panther member broke his silence last week in a statement and video message released to a local newspaper.

Sheppard, who orchestrated an anti-America protest on campus last month by stomping on the American flag, was wanted by the Lowndes County Sheriff’s office which requested assistance from United States Marshalls. Sheppard was arrested Thursday morning in Tampa, Fla., but just last week, he released his “memorandum ultimatum” and called for the slaying of all white people.

“Why kill the white women? I say kill the white women because the women are the military manufacturing center. And every nine months they lay down on their backs and reinforcement rolls out from between their legs, so shut down the military manufacturing center by killing the white woman.”

According to Valdosta Daily Times, Sheppard spoke with a reporter prior to the release of the memorandum and video, confirming their authenticity.  more



15 Comments on ICYMI: Valdosta State student released memorandum, threatened to kill

  1. It’s all gorilla dust, he knows he and his fellow misfits are badly outnumbered and out gunned.
    Unfortunately we will have to clean up the mess when it’s all over.

  2. My Grandfather taught me that a rabid dog needs to be put down. Not for it’s sake, but for ours. He will meet the same outcome as the majority of his kind. A gubmint subsidized funeral.

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