Idaho ISP blocks Facebook and Twitter – IOTW Report

Idaho ISP blocks Facebook and Twitter

Story here

“Our company does not believe a website or social networking site has the authority to censor what you see and post and hide information from you, stop you from seeing what your friends and family are posting. This is why with the amount of concerns, we have made this decision to block these two websites from being accessed from our network.”

15 Comments on Idaho ISP blocks Facebook and Twitter

  1. Get yourself a raspberry pi for 30 or so bucks and install “pihole” as a dedicated device on your home network. It’s very simple to do if you have any tech ability at all. You can also install it on any computer on your network that’s up 24 hours a day. Pihole is a blocking DNS server. I’ve been running it for about a year and have not permitted traffic to/from any facebook or google or twitter (among thousands of phishing/malware/porn/china sites that are auto-updated daily) tracking analytics/cookies/advertisements. screw’em. I don’t see how you can safely be on the internet without it, especially with children on the network. The software and blocking lists are free and simple to use and most of all reliable. A few hours and you’ll have it all figured out. Once you’ve done that, consider getting a paid-for subscription to a VPN server and privatize your entire home network so liberal cucks can’t locate/identify you. Now more than ever these are things you really should have in place.

  2. Joe6, dude, she’s gonna beat your ass when she finds out it’s actually ISP. LOL. Like Willy Nelson squaw. Sewed him in the sheets after a late night,beat his bloody with a broom. That story scares the crap out of me.

  3. They see everything we do. What kind of panic would we cause if 75 million voters one day suddenly unplugged the web? They would absolutely freak out and start running in circles.

  4. I decided to go Gab Pro and had to do echeck because of the libtard blacklists. It’s been quite some time and has not cleared.

    I hate corporate America more every minute.


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