Idaho Stands Up to Critics, Passes Strict Criteria for Changing Gender on Birth Certificates – IOTW Report

Idaho Stands Up to Critics, Passes Strict Criteria for Changing Gender on Birth Certificates

WJ: Idaho officials have made it more difficult for young transgender people to change the gender listed on their birth certificate.

The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare released comments from the public Wednesday on a temporary rule requiring people younger than 18 to get approval from medical or mental health professionals before requesting the change.

Many of the comments said they wanted the conservative state to go back to banning all gender changes on birth certificates.

A federal judge ruled last year that an Idaho law barring transgender people from changing their birth certificates violated the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution.

“Any new rule must not subject one class of people to any more onerous burdens than the burdens placed on others without constitutionally appropriate justification,” U.S. Magistrate Judge Candy Dale wrote. more

8 Comments on Idaho Stands Up to Critics, Passes Strict Criteria for Changing Gender on Birth Certificates

  1. “Any new rule must not subject one class of people to any more onerous burdens than the burdens placed on others without constitutionally appropriate justification,”


    I wonder if all his decisions are consistent with this guiding legal principle he has stated as his ruling.

    I hope this is a published decision so it will set precedent and be applied to other cases (such as banning Christianity in schools while promoting Islam among others).

  2. Parents of these freaks should be allowed to amend the birth certificate to have their names removed. I gave birth to a son, if he wanted to change a document to a lie that he was female, I would want my name removed from the certificate.

  3. You can’t legislate or adjudicate reality. Why doesn’t the sane side in these court cases demand a DNA test from the applicant and affirm their sex. The rogue judges would then have to admit that they are engaging in radical social engineering and not in law.

  4. Appointed by Head Justice John Roberts who has about the same understanding of the law as she does. Frankly, I was surprised she wasn’t an Obama choice. Hope it gets appealed up to SCOTUS.


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