Idea from @Mr_Pinko – “I did that” – IOTW Report

Idea from @Mr_Pinko – “I did that”

Here’s an idea from @Mr_Pinko.
I see the little “I did that” stickers on the gas pumps. We need to go BIG. “Let’s Go Brandon!” BIG!
Post life-size cutout Biden posters (I DID THAT!) next to GAS PRICES across the country!

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19 Comments on Idea from @Mr_Pinko – “I did that”

  1. I remember putting sticky notes all over gas pumps and store shelves when Obumbf**k was prezzy. they asked, “is this the hope or the change?” I’m so doing this. Thanks, Mr. Pinko

  2. Yeah, okay, i’m gonna be “that guy” here for a moment. While these stickers are clever and amusing, they are also being posted to private property. I have no idea the politics of gas station owners but I’m pretty sure they are by and large capitalists, and as such, I hesitate to place anything on private property that may cause harm to the owner’s income.

    It just ain’t right. YMMV

  3. Those sticker are on every damn pump in Norcal where diesel took a big jump and passed the premium gas. I paid 4.99 for diesel yesterday. Which is a by product of cracking gas for Christ sake.

  4. I bought a 100 pack of these I DID THAT! stickers of Greezy Joe Biden*. They have not arrived yet; coming in from Chinkiastan, made by Uighur slave labour.

    But I am fixing to put them on gas pump price windows every time I fuel up. I will also keep a lookout for other targets of opportunity. Perhaps on beef prices in Walmart.

  5. That fucking idiot Jennifer Granholm, our lack of energy secretary was asked when the oil prices are coming down. She responded with a big belly laugh and then went on to explain a cartel, OPEC, controls oil prices and she has no control over the corrupt bastards. No mention that Trump had us energy independent and the corrupt cartel in charge of the US wrecked it. Stupid bitch. Last time she was questioned she smugly suggested we all go buy electric cars. That’s what this is all about, the green new bull shit. I hate these assholes.

  6. @Rupert Smedley Hepplewhite

    If it was the Left protesting – the gas stations would be destroyed.

    Peaceful protesting without damaging any property. BIG CARDBOARD CUTOUT of the IDIOT IN CHIEF next to the advertised gas prices. Take a pic and spread it all over social media.

    Take over Congress and the Senate in 2022. TRUMP gets elected 2024. America back on track to being the GREAT country that it should be!

  7. I’m having a ball with my Brandon “I did that!” stickers. They go on gas pumps, notices of stores closing (the Subway franchise near me was locked out for non-payment of rent, empty shelves, whatever I can find. It’s a small but annoying gesture and I love that it’s annoying because I want people to THINK.

  8. Gassed up this afternoon on my way home. $3.59 a gallon in my far southern Indiana town. There were those Biden “I did that” stickers on every pump. I am friends with the owner of the station & I asked him about the stickers on his pumps. He told me that they were removed for awhile, but were back on day after day. He allows them to stay on now because it’s fact, Biden “did that”.


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