Idiot. – IOTW Report


h/t Joe6pak

25 Comments on Idiot.

  1. …those look like emergency evacuation hoods, like they used to use in large computer rooms with the old Halon extinguisher systems so anyone trapped inside when the doors slammed closed and the place floods with somthering gas could survive and find a man door out.

    There was no gas used or reports of gas used at the Capitol, no fire, nowhere this donut went where that type of suppression system would make sense and, and CS and or pepper spray wouldn’t need that kind of protection even if deployed, they are non lethal irritants only by design.

    I can only assume then than these are wasteful idiot cowards.

    …but they ARE Government, though, so I guess that proves it even WITHOUT the hoods…

  2. HOLY IRAQI SHIITE! Lin Wood just posted this on his Twitter @FightBackLaw account.

    @Mike_Pence is a dark soul. He is NOT a man of God. He uses God for his own self-serving purposes. He used 13, 14, & 15 year old boys for his own self-serving purposes too.

    A very special place in Hell awaits Pence

    – Lin

    He did say Pence would betray PRESIDENT Trump and he did!

  3. Mike Pence has been a buffoon at every event, showing he is a stooge in every speech he’s made. Listening to him has been painful, because he seemed to be a programed robot. What a phony little prick! Now it’s obvious that he is a Judas goat in the Trump administration! May the Lord deal with him appropriately, and send him to hell!

  4. We all knew Pence was a lying traitor, I’m sure he’ll continue to suck on the government teat for a long time. Now these bought and paid for POS’s like the needle dick with the gas mask will be looking for any excuse to curtail our rights under the 1st, 2nd, and 4th amendment. I suggest rather then shoot them, we start resorting to Amazon tree frog skin tipped darts and curare poisoning. Or use some some of that Chinese Fentanyl that will soon be flooding the country again.

  5. I didn’t know that Rep Trone had a side gig as a nukeyular reactor operator for the Dr. No division of SPECTRE, Special Executive for Counter-Ibtelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, Extortion.

    I wonder if the Revenge department is hiring?

  6. 1. That trone guy looks like a peen in a condom too big for his face.

    2. What is the Pence is a pedo stuff? Lin Wood has been wild lately. I don’t doubt that Pence is a tee totaling lil bitch for the GOP- but allegations of sex abuse of minors is a serious thing to toss around without concrete proof.

  7. …I can’t get over what that retard is wearing on his otherwise empty and cowardly head.

    If you’re wondering, this is a smoke hood. I couldn’t find this specific model as this is probably some special boy GAO model with extra features like a locator and a cool House logo that makes it cost 5 times as much, but the basic concept is the same as this one:

    The only purpose of this is to give you some very limited protection against smoke and something breathable for a short time, either by filtration or by a small portable cylinder, with sometimes a spare like that can be jacked into a rescuers supply tank to allow escape from a smoky fire or an anaerobic environment like a Halon or nitrogen filled space among others.

    It does NOT give protection against heat, irritants, poisons that can be skin absorbed, or acids/caustic.

    You will note on the cowards model that it cowles on the shoulders around the neck, so unless his expensive suit has a rubber liner that he can pull over his hands and feet, he would STILL be affected by most common riot control substances that also act as skin irritants, plus when you’re an idiot and don’t put it on right there’s neck gaps that allow it in with you unless its a positive pressure device (which it does not appear to be as one of those shots shows it basically collapsed around his head), so I am very unsure what sort of attack he’s expecting or what he thinks this will achieve against it.

    I suspect this is something they have at their desks in case there’s a fire, and being an overly dramatic bunch of cowardly, panicy morons they just grabbed them because they’ve never really had to deal with any ACTUAL emergencies or adversity in their privileged lives, so they just did random crap hoping it would keep the Boogaloo away and then left it on at the request of their propaganda arm because they thought it looked scarier that way.

    There was no reason for it, and it was nothing but stupid and wasteful.

    …but then, you could say this about ALL of the Federal Government at this point, so I suppose he’s only reverting to type…

    …and THESE asses RULE us, by absolute stolen fiat now, and will forever absent a revolution that will never come.

    Goodbye America. Trains are boarding for your resettlement camps next month, they’re a little cramped and primitive, but they’ll have a nice shower waiting for you at the end…

  8. Can you imagine if these snowflakes had been near the riots?
    A few people break into the building they’re in with no weapons and this guy thinks he’s oh so brave?


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