Idiot Pro-Abortion Actress Refers to Black Men as Rapists; Deletes Tweet – IOTW Report

Idiot Pro-Abortion Actress Refers to Black Men as Rapists; Deletes Tweet


White progressive elites have a remarkable tendency to reveal their own racism when things don’t go their way. The kerfuffle over the Supreme Court’s possible ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade is no different. After a leaked draft of the Court’s opinion made its way across the interwebs, actress Amanda Duarte let her bigoted mask slip when tweeting her outrage at the reality that states will soon decide what policies they will implement regarding abortion.

In a now-deleted tweet, Duarte wrote:

I do wonder how these white supremacist lawmakers would feel if their little white daughters were raped and impregnated by black men.

The irony of referring to pro-lifers as white supremacists, while simultaneously calling black men rapists was not lost on anyone. Some responded by pointing out her brazen racism: more

16 Comments on Idiot Pro-Abortion Actress Refers to Black Men as Rapists; Deletes Tweet

  1. She believes what she said. And she’s definitely projecting her own racism. But worse than that, she’s rationalizing the killing of a baby because it is half black. Shame.

  2. Sandra Bernhardt wanted Sarah Palin gang raped by her “big black brothers” if she ever came to Manhattan. Apparently it’s a fantasy of progressive women.

  3. They have no shame, no introspection and feel they can hover above all the horse shit because regardless, they think they’re right. She deleted her account but couldn’t stand it so she reinstated it because she can’t stand thinking “what will the world do without me?” Just can’t stand ’em.

  4. She apologized and deleted the tweet – only because it included disparaging black men.
    She then turned off her account.
    She then turned her account back on.
    Then she tweeted something about getting pregnant with Trump’s baby – so she could abort it.
    And she has lots and lots of horrid old tweets.
    No, she isn’t really apologetic.

  5. She’s as dumb as dirt. I’ve never heard of any racism in the Pro-life movement. I’ve never heard of any pro-lifer say the movement is against abortion except in the cases where the father was black, in which case, go ahead and abort. I have heard that victims of rape and incest should have the option of abortion regardless of the father’s race.

    All kinds of people are anti-abortion. She could read about Margaret Sanger if she’s looking for racism.

    The opinions of young actresses are worth less than a gob of spit.

  6. There is no pro-choice movement, the choice is life or death. You are either pro-life or you are pro-death. We need to stop allowing progressives to sugarcoat their evil by giving it an innocuous sounding name.

  7. Amanda Duarte has a history and reputation (think Joe Biden) of issuing racial slurs and race-hating creeds, hidden by media and her otherwise bogus manager.

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