Idiots Call 911 Because Facebook Went Down – IOTW Report

Idiots Call 911 Because Facebook Went Down

I’m ashamed to be a human.


11 Comments on Idiots Call 911 Because Facebook Went Down

  1. I had the same message on my computer the other day. I just ignored it and checked back later. I am not an idiot. God help these morons if there is ever an EMP or extended power outage for whatever reason. Those of us who know how to do things the old fashioned way before our total dependence on electronics will do fine, the idiots not so much.

  2. I am ashamed that so many allegedly conservative websites demand that you sign into their sites using Facebook or disqus to comment.

    Why not just write a formal letter to your enemies outlining every heretical thought that you want them to use against you one day?

  3. @Brian, if it requires FakeBook registration, I’ve predetermined that I can live without it.

    Screw ’em.
    As things ‘evolve’, we are being proven right.

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