Idiots with Money – IOTW Report

Idiots with Money

Derek Hunter (
I don’t begrudge anyone their success and couldn’t care less how much money someone has. But our culture puts people who have a lot of money on a pedestal more for having a lot of money and less for how they got it or what they do with it. More often than not, what they do with it is, quite frankly, stupid. 

“A fool and his money are soon parted,” as the saying goes. But sometimes a fool has so much money that there’s nothing they can do to be parted from all of it, which frees those people up to be recurring fools forever. 

Bill Gates is one such example. Yes, he created Microsoft, and depending on when and how often you’ve seen the “blue screen of death” and what word it cost you, you may or may not think he’s an idiot. But there’s no discounting his success. He earned his fortune. Now that fortune is causing him endless humiliation.  MORE

8 Comments on Idiots with Money

  1. The stupidity is a result of the isolation you achieve with this king of wealth.

    1) No one, NO ONE, ever comes out and tells you that you are wrong about anything. Your madness, crazy, weirdness slowly progresses. You believe all of you own crazy ideas.

    2) You generally will have no real Regular folks in your friend groups. Everyone is either an employee or just as rich and isolated as you. Has the man ever had a conversation with a cement truck driver or a father of 3 living in a Bronx apartment? You literally have no idea what real human reality is.

    3) You become a target of con artists who realize that your isolation or Guilt can be used to their advantage. Usually the PETA, Enviro Global Warming, Political, charity, save the Panda’s Types.

    4) You have so much money that gets replenished, that hundreds of “Ideas” get proposed to you. The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly Projects all get funded. Your wealth & MEDIA CONTROL [MSNBC] ensure that the better Ideas get remembered & the Incredible failures get Forgotten. You tend to step in a lot of HORSE SHIT but no one tells you that your the one who stinks!

    This usually resolves itself with the next generation & succession. Years ago he said he would limit how much money his kids would inherit. BULLSHIT! I guarantee that due to inflation he has altered that number “Yugely” and That they will sit on boards & Foundations of all types for 3 more generations.

    5) In Many Cases but Not All: NO MATTER HOW MUCH MONEY YOU MAKE BILL, NO ONE WOULD VOLUNTARILY WANT TO FUCK YOU IF YOU WERE ONE OF US! And that reality hits MR. SUN BLOCKER Square in the face when he gets up to brush his teeth in the Morning!

    Look at how history remembers Howard Hughes…
    Most people remember the madness thing more than the innovator.

  2. Those that obtain a high degree of success develop the delusional perception that because of their rare achievement, they can apply their same approach to any other problem. The adulation they’re constantly showered with has a narcotic effect on their inflated ego’s. The end result is the creation or magnification
    of an insufferable and dangerous demi-god.

  3. I live up the road from a bunch of rich people, and I get to see them do stupid shit all the time.
    Money has never been, nor never will be, a substitute for brains or basic human kindness & dignity.

  4. I, too would never begrudge a person for being wealthy. As long as that person came by it honestly & hard work. It is also nice that some people choose to do good things with their wealth, charitable works & so on. Then there are the ones like Bill Gates, Jack Dorsey etc. that seem like their wealth breaks something in their brain that turns them to lunatic causes.

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