If Amy Klobuchar was being considered to be Biden’s Veep, it all ended this week – IOTW Report

If Amy Klobuchar was being considered to be Biden’s Veep, it all ended this week

How Amy Klobuchar Is Tied to The Minneapolis Chaos Over George Floyd’s Death…And It’s Not Good.

Townhall: […] It’s about the perception here. And Klobuchar is already in hot water with black voters over the totally botched prosecution of Myon Burrell.   MORE

8 Comments on If Amy Klobuchar was being considered to be Biden’s Veep, it all ended this week

  1. It appears that Amy Klobuchar is a typical good old Democrat Cracker when it comes to race relations. She’s PERFECT for Joe Biden. Birds of a feather. (I wonder if she also has hairy legs?)


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