If Anybody Should Pay Reparations For Slavery, It’s The Democrat Party – IOTW Report

If Anybody Should Pay Reparations For Slavery, It’s The Democrat Party

If anyone should pay reparations to black Americans for the injustices of slavery, it should be the institutions that preserved slavery’s legacy.

Federalist: The call for reparations attracts more supporters every day. Even Disney has joined the cause, weaving the issue of monetary payments to the descendants of slaves into a storyline on the “The Proud Family” series on the company’s streaming service. But what generated the most controversy was one episode in which the show’s protagonists perform a song entitled “Slaves Built This Country” after they discover the founder of their town was a slaveholder.

Setting their frustrations over racial injustice and hardship to music, the cartoon children sing that slaves “made your families rich from the southern plantation, to the northern bankers, to the New England ship owners, the Founding Fathers, former presidents, current senators.” Catchy though the song may be, the children leave out one prominent beneficiary of slavery, one in the best position to provide the reparations called for: the Democratic Party.   more

19 Comments on If Anybody Should Pay Reparations For Slavery, It’s The Democrat Party

  1. Been making that argument for years. But I always thought that the thousands and thousands of soldiers who died or or maimed freeing the slaves were reparations enough. I thought wrong, I guess

  2. What about the Indians, they held African slaves. In the Southeast, a few Native American tribes began to adopt a slavery system similar to that of the American colonists, paying to “own” and use captive African American people for profit, especially the Cherokee, Choctaw, and Creek.

    Bet there’s a lot of Americans not knowing this bit of US history. The Indians have been rewarded with casinos, and their own sovereign nation. Big medical facilities for them as well…all paid for by us.

  3. My ancestors were busy in Ireland being starved by the English and in Scotland being driven up the hills by the English and in Germany my ancestors were being driven out by political upheaval, so none of my folks were even here for that and didn’t own any slaves, but were mostly treated like slaves here by Democrats as well.

    So I don’t owe you a damn thing.

    Go talk to Kamala and Hopey. THEY had ancestors that sold YOUR ancestors, take it out on THEM.

  4. …of course, if you’re SERIOUS about slavery there’s plenty going on RIGHT NOW that you could be ending, but since its Black people in Muslims doing it, apparently that makes it OK…

  5. If anyone should NOT pay reparations, it’s me and my family. Other side of the world, abused by the same (mostly black) muslim pirates who literally ran the human slavery industry.

    Besides aren’t we already sending beaucoup ‘reparations’ to Ukraine??

  6. You would’ve thought that the blood of over 600,000 Americans, both Union and Confederate would’ve been sufficient reparations to pay for the end of slavery in America. But that was 160 years ago so I guess that doesn’t count anymore. If the American Civil War hadn’t been fought to end slavery and set the enslaved blacks free in America, where would we be now?

  7. …the problem isn’t that Democrats don’t want to pay reparations. They are only too eager to do so.

    The problem is that they want to use everyone’s money BUT THEIR OWN to do it.

    If Nan or The Butcher of Benghazi or Shitpants Pedo want to give Black people their OWN ill-gotten millions, fine.

    But that’s not what the plan is.

    And that’s NEVER the plan with Democrats. OPM ONLY with these assholes all the way…

  8. If not for the trans-Atlantic slave trade, virtually every black person that has ever lived in the western hemisphere would never have existed. When will they repay us for making their existence possible?

  9. Why pay any reparations at all to the descendants of a bunch of losers?

    Let me clarify that: The Europeans didn’t go to Africa and enslave a bunch of people. They went to Africa and bought people that were already enslaved as the result of inter tribal warfare. The winners of those conflicts weren’t sold to the evil White Man by the losers.

    The progressives importing the losers of Central America today just like they imported the losers from Africa in the past.

    We should have picked our own damn cotton then and we should be doing our own damn voting today!!

  10. If it is the fake pResident, then Congressmen should be threatened if they don’t initiate Impeachment. Jackass Joe, nor any real President, has the authority to spend this money (OPM).

    If there is legislation passed to do reparations, hold every legislator accountable for that vote. Until they leave this world.

    Even that this is seriously discussed is an abomination. Totally unjust. The recipients are not legitimate beneficiaries, just as the payers are not responsible for this ‘injustice’.
    It is just criminal politicians stealing OPM to pretend they are philanthropists. Cut out their tongues.

  11. i want reparations from black America for having to endure legions of saggy-pants, butt-shaking, dick-scratching, drug-selling, ghetto-blasting/parking/trashing a**holes


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