If awful taste in clothing is illegal, Hillary’s in trouble – IOTW Report

If awful taste in clothing is illegal, Hillary’s in trouble

Patriot Retort: Behold my friends! Behold!

In his trial totally unrelated to Russian Collusion, the prosecutors blew the lid off Paul Manafort’s awful taste in clothing.

Who knew awful taste in clothing is illegal?

It’s a good thing Liberace is dead. Bob Mueller would throw the book at him.  MORE

15 Comments on If awful taste in clothing is illegal, Hillary’s in trouble

  1. The media hasn’t been this outraged about fashion since Imelda Marcos’ shoes. There must be some really dumb indigents on the jury.

    Who is this clown prosecutor? Is he there to be the black guy with the African name whom nobody–including Trey Gowdy–will dare criticize when this show trial goes tits-up?

  2. We are looking at leather jackets as for evidence? The FBI/Special counsel went balls to the wall, put the hammer down, left no stone un-turned and we are looking at a leather jacket?

    And Hillary is not in court defending her self because why again exactly? Trying to avoid looking for anything on Hillary the FBI have found top secret e-mails from Hillary on that photo bombing dick’s laptop. Just imagine if they had looked into Hillary with only a fraction of the zeal Muller has had for Trump. For just Captain Dicktacular’s laptop alone, he, his wife and Hillary should all be in prison (after the trial and convection of course).

    How many millions spent by Muller and we have this? I think there should be another special counsel that investigates Muller for wasting public dollars and abuse of power.

  3. If you guys could only get a “fly on the wall” look inside what goes on in these exclusive Madison Ave. shops and private label clothiers and the art galleries on Lexington Ave and Madison Ave. Let your imaginations run wild and then multiply it all by 50 and you would just be scratching the surface. But suffice it to say it is rooted in money games, money washing, fake paper deals, child porn, pedos, homo underground, and more. No one ever could get deep enough inside to write a book or movie script based on real events because these freaks are very careful and you must be one of them to see the inside. But its all real. I was exposed to these filthy savages from a distance through my work and got enough of an idea to piece together these sick fucks and what they were up to but it took a while and it was only surmising and filling in the blanks. But the ones in the suits and ties up in the corner offices on the top floors are the most deviant, vile, filthy scum roaming the planet. I am not saying any of this applies to Manafort, more like Hitlery and her lawyer friends etc…

  4. “…according to a men’s clothier who testified today…”

    Isn’t the Tinker supposed to testify before the Tailor? And when is the Soldier going to be sentenced? And where are those two Spies??

  5. Mueller: Manafort, did you order the Jacket?

    Judge: You don’t have to answer that question!

    Manafort: I’ll answer the question!
    You want answers?

    Mueller: I think I’m entitled to.

    Manafort: You want answers?

    Mueller: I WANT THE TRUTH!


  6. From the Hillary Clinton Experience

    You waddle across my car when you
    Know all the time
    Overcoat with flowers, Hil
    Gonna blow my mind
    You think that it’s OK
    I wont mind a little pain
    You say you just wanna
    Make me dumb and blind!!

    You’re stopping .. Crosstown traffic
    So hard to look at you
    Crosstown traffic
    I dont need to have another view
    Crosstown traffic
    All it does hide your brace
    And I’m trying to get on to
    Another kind of place

    You’re not the only one
    Accused of bleaching files
    Plastic bump jutting out your back
    Ha! I can see you’ve had your trials
    But Hillie, cant you see the country
    Turn from blue to red
    And with Don I can see a red-nami
    Straight up ahead

    You’re stopping .. Progg town traffic
    So hard to shake off the shrew
    Progg Town traffic
    They cant seem to get rid of you
    Progg town traffic
    All you do is bring em down
    And we got better things
    On the MAGA side of town

  7. I am so glad I am retired. I was very good at my job, an audio mixer at a CBS affiliate. Most of my clothing came from Costco. I didn’t need a $100 pair of socks or underwear to do my job. My skill spoke for itself.

  8. John Kerry chose to base his $7 million dollar yacht in Rhode Island to avoid taxes.
    Keeping his yacht in Rhode Island would allow John Kerry to not only avoid the $437,500 one-time sales tax, but the recurring $70,000 annual excise tax on the boat.

    But, but, Kerry didn’t own an Ostrich leather coat.

  9. Anyone got a $ figure on how much Mueller, staff and support staff have spent from day one on this BS investigation? Oh, let me guess the numbers have been redacted, to protect the real crooks America should be worrying about having their hands deeply in our tax dollar pockets.


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