If high school kids want to run my life, let them pay my bills – IOTW Report

If high school kids want to run my life, let them pay my bills

Patriot Retort: Whelp, the mainstream news media finally landed on a demographic that believes their shameless lies.

Congrats, CNN for cornering the High School Kids market!


When your flagrant propaganda is going absolutely nowhere among adults with fully formed frontal lobes, what choice do you have but go after teens?

After all, they’re the ones eating Tide laundry pods. So I’m fairly certain they’ll swallow anything.

But the truth is, if I really wanted high school kids to run my life, I would’ve had children of my own.

You kids want to control my life, then pay my bills.

Otherwise, keep your Nosy Parker noses the hell out of my business.

Okay. Good to know.

I’m against you, by the way.

And, just a heads up; I’m good with that.  READ MORE

29 Comments on If high school kids want to run my life, let them pay my bills

  1. I am for the Constitution of the United States of America so if you are against that, then I am against you.

    Making me and my family less safe will in no way make you safer. Ask your government reps to take the many millions they give to Planned Parenthood and use the money to put armed guards in the schools. You know, you’d get a two-fer. Kids safe at school AND in the womb.

  2. When the next big news story comes along and these kids get thrown to the side, I hope they will be smart enough to realize they were prostituted by the media. Probably not!

  3. Either with or against.

    Life must be frustrating with a mindset that constantly demands either/or, everything in black and white, good and bad, no middle ground, no blurred lines.

    Extremely frustrating.

    So yes, I am against you little pricks and your pre-scripted complaints..

  4. Leave home kids – LEAVE the oppression of a hard-working mom & dad that provide a roof over your head, shoes on your feet, clothes on your back, & food on the table, at the cost of a few household chores! Go conquer the world, while you still KNOW it all! 🙄

    Write when you find work. :goodLUCK:

  5. “Give me the child to age seven, and I will give you a Communist for life.”
    (Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin))

    Was the Hitlerjugend just a co-incidence?

    Why can’t we awaken from this nightmare?
    Why do we persist in ignoring the forces arrayed against us?

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Kids today know 2 things: what TV/IPHONE media tells them and what other kids tell them.

    Kids need to be encouraged/trained to seek out news and real events.

    The only thing I require my daughter (with sanctions if not done) is to listen to Tucker Carlson/Laura Ingram/Other Fox Babes to get some sense of news/hot issues and then discuss with me of Saturday over a good dinner out with mom/dad.

    We talk both sides and discuss implications with the focus being discernment of politics and what consequences may come.

    She likes it and only occasionally rolls her eyes at me. My wife gives me the biggest grief.

    Her biggest picture in her room still remains the photo taken with Rick Santorum (former Senator) when she was 10 years old.

  7. There is a reason why we have laws that prohibit purchasing alcohol by kids under 21. Why in the hell did we ever let them vote? The founding fatheres were right to limit the vote to those over 21, and that was at a time when teenagers were far more mature and better educated than they are today. Time to repeal the amendment.

  8. Thanks for the best response to any black/white, “you’re with us or against us” attack:
    “Okay. Good to know. I’m against you, by the way. And, just a heads up; I’m good with that.”

  9. I’ll bet none of these kids had relatives in the military who fought in a war zone. I’ll bet none of them ever held or shot a gun in their life. They have no experience on which to base their arguments.

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