If Hillary loses, Democrats face a long time in exile – IOTW Report

If Hillary loses, Democrats face a long time in exile

NYP: There’s been lots of speculation about the fate of the Republican Party if (as most of the prognosticators expect and hope) Donald Trump loses. There’s been less speculation, though recent polling suggests it may be in order, about the fate of the Democratic Party if Hillary Clinton loses.

Certainly there’s reason to think — or fear — the Republican Party will change. Republicans likely won’t supply the bulk of support for free-trade agreements as they increasingly have for 40 years. Prominent Republicans probably won’t press for mass legalization of illegal immigrants, as they did in 2006, 2007 and 2013.

If Trump loses, the Republican electorate will have become more downscale and elderly — a continuation of a process that’s been in train since the middle 1990s. The long-term migration of voters southward along Interstate 95 will have made the East Coast just about as solidly Democratic as the West Coast, leaving a Republican rump in the interior South and the Great Plains.

Anti-Trump Republicans hope the Trump effect will just go away, and will note that a defeated Trump will not leave behind much in the nature of an institutional apparatus, as the defeated Barry Goldwater arguably did in 1964. But the argument for going back to pre-Trump positions is weakened by the fact that Republicans have lost four of the six presidential elections between 1992 and 2012.

But what if Hillary Clinton loses? The political map in that case will look quite different, with Democratic states confined to the Northeast, West Coast and a few splotches in between. The presidential Democratic Party, like the congressional Democratic Party, will be concentrated in heavily Democratic central cities, some sympathetic suburbs and scattered university towns.

The shock for Democrats if Clinton loses will likely be more severe than for Republicans if Trump loses.

10 Comments on If Hillary loses, Democrats face a long time in exile

  1. The gospel of Evil is a seductive sell.
    Free shit.
    The Demonrats may change their moniker, but the message is the same.
    Revolution, hate, violence, and brutality in the name of some remote Third Reich – just beyond the next river – has been a time-honored tradition of the socialists since their inception. It will not go away. It cannot be killed.

    The attraction of the promise is always more glorious than the attainment of the reality.

    Ask Russia.
    Ask China.
    Ask Cuba.
    Ask Nicaragua.
    Ask Venezuela.
    Ask Bulgaria.
    Ask Germany.
    Ask Italy.
    Ask Albania.
    Ask Hungary.
    Ask Romania.
    Ask Ukraine.
    Ask Czech.
    Ask Slovakia.
    Ask Detroit.
    Ask St. Louis.
    &c., &c., &c.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Democrats basically exiled…is there a downside? No.

    The party that celebrates taxation theft, weakness, racism, sexism, perversion and murder by abortion and euthanasia. Hmm…I like the idea of the ash bin of history for them.

  3. To save the country, Trump needs to kill the beast with a stake through the heart. A Trump DOJ needs to lay out the case, and file RICO charges against the DNC, the BHO administration, & Clinton foundation. There are no shortages of criminal conduct by each, and one could make the case for conspiracy.

    Burn the bitch down!

  4. … & if she wins it will be a very, very, very long time before the world ever sees another nation with the freedom that the United States once had.

    this is what hangs in the balance of this election … a free society or another Oligarchy of human misery

  5. If Trump indeed accomplishes making America great, even a little, BOTH political parties will necessarily be purged. What we’ve witnesses would not have been possible without much collusion between the criminals inhabiting BOTH parties.

    Hopefully prosecuting one party will lead to testimony against perps in the other.

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