If Jeb Bush is not nominated, will he pledge to support the GOP candidate? – IOTW Report

If Jeb Bush is not nominated, will he pledge to support the GOP candidate?


A question came up at last night’s debate over whether Donald Trump would support the GOP nominee if it weren’t him. But the same question could easily be asked about Jeb Bush.

bush rubio romney

Because when there is a primary and a conservative candidate gets nominated over an establishment one, very often establishment GOP types don’t support the nominee or actively support the Democrat.


20 Comments on If Jeb Bush is not nominated, will he pledge to support the GOP candidate?

  1. Czar, that one sticks in my craw. Even our own “conservative” Senator Thune donated to Cochran, along with dozens of other senators. They turn on us quicker than a rabid dog. I say piss on them. Sundance at the treehouse explains why he is going full trump on the GOPe.

  2. Ahhh, isn’t it sweet how all these rivals can still treat each other so decently and relax with a drink at the end of the long campaign trail? Said the naive, average American voter who thinks all of them are “conservatives” because they have the letter “R” behind their names.

  3. Jebby Bush knows that he will be nominated. Just like brother Georgie, whom the establishment hand picked to run, by hook or by crook it is in the bag! Take that to the bank. There is a yearly budget of four trillion+ dollars to manage, spend and loot! Better than robbing a 7-11 for $20.00 and a possible five to ten in prison!

  4. If Erik ‘Cabbage Patch’ Erickson disinvited Donald Trump, to invite Megyn Kelly, choosing a side for both the purpose of showing support for ¡Yeb! and asserting himself into the ‘Progressive’s War On Women Smokescreen Narrative’, he might just be a RINO.

    Stringing voters along John McCain threw ’08 and continuing the legacy Mitt Romney threw ’12 as will, given the nomination, Jeb Bush will carry out the RINO tradition in 2016.

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