If pictures could talk – IOTW Report

If pictures could talk

The United Spot

23 Comments on If pictures could talk

  1. Left to Right:
    the boob that started 9/11 by not taking Bin Laden when the Saudis were handing him on a silver platter
    the Bitch of Benghazi ~ 13 hours, remember? (13 seems to be a theme w/ this bunch …. hmmm)
    the muslim that gave Iraq away (along w/ Syria) & gave Iran cash & nuclear power
    the blacked-out (no pun intended) woman who, 10 years ago today, rolled her eyes & exclaimed, “All this for a flag?”
    the Dodo in Chief who copied his mack daddy Obiden Bama & deserted Afghanistan, giving it over to terrorists while handing them piles of cash & military stocks, while allowing the killing of 13 service members (13 seems to be a theme w/ this bunch …. hmmm)
    the Good Doctor pumping hubby full of drugs to keep her in the White House
    one of the financiers of stealing the election
    & who could forget the Queen of Graft, San Fran Nan

  2. How disgusting – The Clintons, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, and yes Ex-Dictator Obama show up at the 9/11 Memorial Services to honor the victims that they murdered by their actions leading up to the attack! Citizens, our Republic has been taken over by hard core Communists who will not go quietly out of power, not without a savage fight. This means direct physical actions by all of us will be necessary in order to win and restore our Republic and Freedoms. I think the saving grace in all of this unimaginable mess we are finding ourselves in, is that the Communist Death Democrats are making a colossal blunder in understanding a basic fact about us – The American citizens are slow to awaken to threats to our way of life and freedoms, and slow to anger, but when we are awake and angry- beware the awoken American Giant, communist death democrats, because instead of you coming for us, we will be coming for you and no mercy will be shown on you evil, power mad demons.

    Murderers, thieves, and traitors, are these communist death democrats and a lot of republicans in Congress too. Heed this warning to the lot of you- When we are fully awakened ( getting there!) and burning with a white hot anger, you will pay the supreme penalty for your treasonous acts and crimes against humanity. You will go down hard.

    God Bless our Republic, our citizens, and our Constitution.

    We have not yet begun to Fight!

  3. Which one stands out like a sore vagina? Yeah, and she still has that nasty frown on her face as well. It’s her permanent message to America. I’ll call her the Black Mamba snake. They are Africa’s longest venomous snake, and the Mooche looks like she’s ready to strike.

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