If Schools go Remote, We Should Reduce Teachers’ Salaries – IOTW Report

If Schools go Remote, We Should Reduce Teachers’ Salaries

Oh, and School Budgets.  You don’t need much more than a lab for certain sciences and you sure as hell need fewer teachers with less pay.

17 Comments on If Schools go Remote, We Should Reduce Teachers’ Salaries

  1. think about it … you only need 1 teacher per grade!

    no more bussing, no more school buildings to heat, air condition, electrify, maintain. no more ‘school supplies’. no more school custodians, nurses, cafeteria staff. no more principals, vice-principals, administrators.

    … & as an added bonus … no more Student Councils!!! no class president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, class representative. no school newspaper, yearbook staff … & best of all …. no breeding ground for future d’rat fascists

  2. … no more teachers unions, no more taxpayer expenditures to the bullshit of the alter of ‘public education’ … do it for the bullshit of universities too!

    absolute GREAT idea!

  3. I married into a family of “teachers”.
    They went bat crap nuts when I suggested this happen when they first shut down.
    Thank God, I married one of the 2 sane conservatives that managed to come out of that family.

  4. Defund the Treachers Union. Ifm they ca’nt / won’t teach a normal education due to poltics or social “justice” issues.. DEFUND THE WHOLE LOT OF THEM. Also next contract rewrite. Put clear limits on strikes,walkouts and poltical BS. FINE THEM… REDUCE their benefits. Hell pull their teaching lic.

  5. I went to catholic schools in the 50s and 60s on the south side of Chicago. We identified areas by Parrish.not neighborhood We had 50 to60 kids in a classroom. That was the norm. Most of us turned out smarter and more disciplined than our peers — “the publics” as we called them. Most teachers were nuns and powerfully devoted to their vocation. We graduated high school with more concrete knowledge than the average liberal arts college graduate today.

    The teaching profession in big cities today has been destroyed by the unions — lowered standards, easy to get hired, nearly impossible to get fired. The unions and the administrators run it just as they would a steel mill or other factory, in order to turn out a costly but poorly made uniform product. No wonder the Chinese are dominating in both arenas.

    Is the union goal to do virtually no work for more and more money? It seems that way. I feel for those truly devoted teachers who are stuck in this mold feeling powerless to affect change.

  6. Teachers Unions support Democrats.
    That all you need to know, to know they’re crooked.
    Get rid of all Union members, we need more baristas and truck drivers.
    Especially in California.

  7. Funny how in the frenzy to de-fund this and de-fund that… the tax money is still flowing in, even more than last year thanks to inflation!
    Inquiring minds want to know: If they’re not spending it, WHERE’S IT GOING???

  8. Better yet start cutting teachers altogether! One can teach 100’s in a “TED” style format.. Seeing everything is now computerized.. let the computer grade! Former teachers can become low paid tutors..

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