If someone from the backwoods handled the border crisis – IOTW Report

If someone from the backwoods handled the border crisis

Someone like Buddy Brown. The governor of Buckshot Ridge.

10 Comments on If someone from the backwoods handled the border crisis

  1. I saw a news report of 50 migrants dying in a truck rollover in Mexico. They wouldn’t have been traveling through Mexico if it weren’t for Joek’s invitation, those lives are on him.

  2. To discriminate is not intrinsically evil or wrong. A “man of discriminating taste” can mean someone who appreciates certain things, perhaps finer things. I discriminate every time I make a choice, as when I choose my friends, my food, my beer, my church, etc. because I have *preferences* in those areas. This does not make me a bigot and neither does my refusal to tolerate people who would harm me, my family or my country by *any* method, be it political, physical, social or cultural. Simple as that.


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