If Someone Is as Obsessed With You as Brain Stelter Is With Tucker Carlson, Get a Restraining Order – IOTW Report

If Someone Is as Obsessed With You as Brain Stelter Is With Tucker Carlson, Get a Restraining Order

PJM: Our favorite potato, Brain Stelter of CNN’s Reliable Sources, is at it again. His obsession with Fox News’ opinion hosts is rather startling. He is particularly bothered by Tucker Carlson, who regularly spanks the entire cable news universe in terms of ratings. I’m not sure Stelter yipping at Carlson’s heels is really going to change anything, but it is generally good for a laugh. more

6 Comments on If Someone Is as Obsessed With You as Brain Stelter Is With Tucker Carlson, Get a Restraining Order

  1. To insure an extra margin of safety.

    The restraining order must forbid Brain Stelter from going any closer to Carlton Tucker – than the minimum observation distance requirement imposed on republican poll watchers from the ballot counting tables.

    Brian won’t be able to see Tucker’s facial features from that distance. The is generally considered to be 150 feet for normal unaided vision. iow Pretty close to the observation distance imposed on republican poll watchers by the democrats.

    https://innocenceproject.org/can-you-recognize-someone-from-hundreds-of-feet-away/ .

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